Daniel Jacoby - Vaaspman
Online Predator, Narcissistic Cyberpath, Sex Addict, Fraudste


This dung-beetle hangs around support forums looking for vulnerable women coming off prescription drugs.

He scans blogs looking for an "in" then pounces with his "look how cool but 'sensitive' I am" routine and proceeds to suck trusting women into his filthy pit of lies and deceit. He lives with his wife, even though he tells people he is "waiting for his divorce to be finalised".

He pleads poverty and takes what he can from good hearted women when all the time he's driving around in his fancy Dodge Viper. He still owes me $5,000. For the computer equipment I got for him!

He's a dirty, narcissistic bottom-dweller, who, when his victims wake up to the the snake that he is, turns on and denigrates them in a most disgusting manner. He lives on the energy of women and drama under the pretence of love and devotion. He fits the profile of the narcissistic cyberpath perfectly.

Sometimes I wonder if he even took a prescription med. His taper seems to have lasted for years. I think he stumbled across these kind of sites after doing this "stuff" on different forums. I see him on other boards now acting like an angel and taking everyone in, and it makes my stomach turn. I know for a fact he's smearing me like he did about other women to me.

He is "supposedly" in the throes of withdrawal from medication himself. I don't know to this day how far this is true. I do know there've been plenty of "feigned" hospital visits. I wouldn't put anything past him.

I was warned by other women back in the day that he was a sexual predator, but refused to listen. I was "in love" and he always used to tell me that the other women were just jealous and were "crazy, nut-job, slutty tramps".

Of course I believed him, because I was in the height of w/d and he was always "my poor baby who nobody understood but me".

He was booted from the forum where I met him and transferred his attention to other "like" forums looking for "prey".

This filth scans the members list and singles out women that catch his predatory eye then watches until you're posting that you're really having a hard time and voila! He will play on the memory of a loved one who has passed away to get you to think of him the way you thought of them. He'll then try to replace them in your heart and mind and "be there" for you. He'll open you up and lead you along but the truth is you're not the only one but the pills blind you and he doesn't break contact for long enough to give you a chance to think or to come up for air.

That is until you outwear your usefullness, like I did. That's when he gets nasty and turns it all back onto you. I have proof of everything I've written here and much, much more, so if he wants to challenge me, then he should BRING IT ON!!! He's warned me that he'll sully my good character should I expose him for what he is, but let him try. He can't hurt ME.

He's probably reading this now. Dan, You can't dispute the TRUTH! I hope this brings you as much stress and heartache as you've brought me. You deserve every last bit of it, and THEN some!!!

His usernames are:

He's also used bogus usernames such as "carolfilms" and "trailmix" (they're the ones that I know of) and even wrote to me as a the carolfilms character using sexual innuendo. That's how he gets his kicks, you see.

I also heard a while back that he persuaded a very vulnerable female who was an ex heroin addict to perform lurid sex acts on the webcam. He denied it and blamed someone else. I still don't know the whole truth but I wonder and I'm ashamed to say I believed him. Yeah, I have proof of this too, and (in his own words) the name of the man he blamed and other things he accused him of.

He's a filthy, stinking beast and I have to expose him for what he is. My conscience will not let me do otherwise. I can't let him do this to any other women and I feel like I should exonerate those I didn't believe when they tried to warn me. I also "googled" him with his username "VaAspMan" last year and found him registered on "sexforums". He freaked that I had the "audacity" to do that. (An innocent person wouldn't CARE!)

He asked me over and over to perform lurid sex acts on a webcam and when I refused he'd freak and say that if I loved him I would do it to "make him happy". I put all this down to his "illness" but realise now that he really is the lying predator I was told that he was.

He just thinks he's "superior" to everyone else, and others (especially women) are beneath him. Some of the things he's said about females he acts friendly with now have been despicable. Heck, even some guys, too. He acts all pally with them, but he calls them awful names. They'd get the shock of their lives if they knew what he really thinks of them. I have proof of all that, too. Women should beware and stay away from this low-life. He's an emotional leech that'll suck you dry and think nothing of it.

In reflection, I wonder what I ever saw in him. I usually like a guy with "hair". He never would remove that cap. Lol

I want to just add that I have a private blog which I started last year when I first found his full details on the sexforums link when I googled him. I'm a good person and have prayed long and hard before I decided to do this. It's not a "knee-jerk" reaction and I am NOT a "woman scorned" as he told me he will portray me as if I ever came forward with all this. I have no doubt he'll try to damage me in an attempt to make himself "look" good and to "save face" amongst his "fans". For me, this is the difference between right and wrong, and doing the "right thing" has always, ALWAYS been extrememly important to me. I honestly believe that evil only prospers for so long and good will always win out. This man "raped" my soul and deserves to be shown for exactly what he is. A sick, twisted monster. I just thank God I've been blessed with a conscience.

If this piece of filth was even "half" a man he'd get down on his knees and ask God and me for forgiveness.in the very least he'd give me back my money. I won't hold my breath, though. He has the morals of a flea on a rat.

He can do his damndest to make me look bad. I really couldn't care less. If I can save even ONE WOMAN from going through the HELL that I'M GOING THOUGH, it'll be worth all his filthy

Isn't he just "Mr. Wonderful"? (more like the charming Mr. SOCIOPATH) Don't try to hold him accountable or he will harrass you and turn it around and call YOU the harrasser!

More here:


Company: Daniel Jacoby - Vaaspman
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Midlothian
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