Withdrew funds from my account without my knowledge


I ordered the acaiberry product (free sample) I never received it in the mail. I saw that my bank account was charged the shipping and handling though so i called the 866-440-7533 number they have listed. The guy that answered was no help at all. I told him cancel any subcription, memebrship, whatever; take me off their list. On 9/9/05 i noticed $ 88.97was withdrwn from my account and wondered what the hell.

I called that number again he told me to e-mail The next day Saturday 9/06 i received 2 bottles AcaiBerry (capsules looks nothing like their ad) I immediately asked for a refund and they emailed this garbage about the automatic shipment and withdraw from my account after the trial time was up! I never received a botlle. What trial time! They knew that already!

Anyways being unsatisfied with their service i have used like 3-4 emails to try and get them to send that damn RMA Number i need in order to send the product back within 15 days or is this another catch 22 (they say 15 days from the shipment was first sent).. I have been in contact with my bank and keeping them up to date with my persistent emails. I have heard from tem and its now day 6 since i got their product what the hell are they waiting on to send that RMA Number day 16? SEND IT ALREADY!

I reanswer thir email with cc added such as the ohio attorney generals office, the trade commissin their attoney generals office, police departemnts, who cares if i have the authorities correct e-mail maybe THEY D on't! Now i have received an email that says if there is a dispute filed with my bank it could take up to 90 days and still no guarantee i'd get my money back and they said well if i had no dispute filed with my bank we could proceed with the instructions in order for me to try get my money back.

I'll check the e-mail tomorrow just to be sure they're following through. Give me the dam RMA number i asked them kindly and you won't ever hear from me again and will you be sending the refund by check? Anyway if you are still fighting them copy the terms and conditions and higjhlight the RMA Numbver stuff and full refund and tell THEM to honor their AD

Company: Acaicleanse300
Country: USA
State: California
City: Glendale
Phone: 8664407533
Site: 3600 ocean view # 2
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Irwin Herbal
Acaicleanse300 - AcaiBerry Online AcaiBerry Irwin Herbal Sad treatment of it's Customers

FWM Labortories - Acaiberry
Charged without my knowledge won't issue refund even though i did not receive a product from them

Acai Berry Detox And Life Cleanse
NatureCleanse Ordered a free trial for $3.95 for s/ terms of use very clearly said to cancel in 14 days and you would not be charged. Charged my card for $39.95 for a product I did not order. Saginaw, Texas

Mineral Simplicity
Unable to cancel
RIPPED OFF BY ACAI CLEANSE Greenville South Carolina

Taken by surprise!
Unfair, rip off, pay very, very close attention to the agreement

Dont do it Sent two bottles for $78.98 after I sent e-mail requesting cancellation

Slim Easy Pro
Offered free trial, only pay shipping and handling and charged my acct $88.97 for a product I did not order Glendale California