The CDN Company
Margaret Carter Saga


The company has no phone number, no fax number, no web site to be able to talk with a representative. The address as of august is the Salem, N.H. Address, but the US Postage Paid permit is from Plattsburgh, NY. The price for this material is $47.00 S&H of $9.99 for a total of $56.99. Altho they offer a 90 day guarantee for a refund, why would anyone buy a product that they have no clue as to what they are buying. No where in any of the advertisement does it say anything about what the product actually is. Also, all the advertisement pages were printed in Canada. Were they printed there, shipped to New Hampshire, only to be mailed from New York? Come on, give me a break, if you gonna rip people off, your efforts to do so should show at least a little bit of some kind of intelligence!

Company: The CDN Company
Country: USA
State: New Hampshire
City: Salem
Address: 215 South Broadway/PBM # 323
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CDN Company - Margaret Carter
CDN Company (Margaret Carter) changed address. Rip-off! They're now in

The CDN Company
They're back! Margaret Carter lives!

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Margaret Carter - CDN Company
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CDN Company - Margaret Carter
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Tiny Details
Ripoff, thief, make product per directions and they are not correct Home based scam