Freelance Home Writers
Free Lance Writers, freelance Home Writers Made unauthorized charges to my checking account


Freelance home writers website advertises for people to work at home. The initial charge to learn more about the program is $2.95.

After reading the information I declined their offer to pay for on-line training.

Freeland home writers website has made two unauthorized charges to my checking account in the amount of $47. The phone number attached to the bank charge is 1.800.790.7662. When I dailed this number to contact freelance home writers I was not able to speak with anyone or leave a message.

Company: Freelance Home Writers
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Phone: 8007507662
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Freelance Home Writers
Scam charges

Freelance Home Writers
I was sucked in by freelance work at home writers offering writing opportunities for a nominal joining fee of $2.95 and found to my horror my credit card was charged twice for $47 USD each time!

Freelance Home Writers
Unauthorized billing

Freelance Home
Charged full subscription rate within 7days of initial trial offer and did not specify this in its initial ad

Freelance Home Writers
Virtual MUGGING!

Freelance Home Writers
An offer to try the "information" for only $2.49 for 24 hours. I was charged unauthorized $47

Instant Ype - Freelance Home Aka Unparalled Marketing LLC
Instant Type - Freelance Home - Unparalled Marketing Another Online Job Scam Internet

Ayushveda Informatics India Pvt. Ltd
Never Pays to Freelance Content Writers... After you have submitted 25-50 articles they close your account and do not pay for the articles submitted Haryana

Freelance Home Writers
Scam Artists! Signed up for their freelance writers at home course, and got Ripped Off!