Easy Saver - American Leisure Club
Made 3 fraudulent charges to my Bank of America VISA credit card


American Leisure Club charged $1 to my credit card. I called them and got a number which "cancelled" a membership I never signed-up for. The next month, Easy Saver made two charges to the same credit card ($1 and, a week later, $16.95). I called and again was given a "cancellation" number for a membership I never signed up for. Although the phone numbers of the 2 companies are different, they are both in MD, and, the first 8 digits of the "cancellation" numbers are identical.

Company: Easy Saver - American Leisure Club
Country: USA
Phone: 8002626199
Site: easysaver.com
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Easy Saver, American Leisure, USAirways Mastercard, Barclays
Re-accurring charges on my mastercard after cancellation Florida

American Leasure And Easy Saver
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Easy Saver
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Richard Driggers
American Leisure - Easy Saver - Encore Marketing On March 18th the companies listed each charged $1.00 to my credit card Baltimore

Easy Saver, American Leisure
Charges my credit card without authorization, made it very difficult to cancel

American Leisure, easy Saver
I have never heard of easy saver, or american leisure and did not authorize either to charge my credit card. Maryland

Easy Saver - American Leisure
AMERICAN LEISURE - 877-564-8538 These companies charged my credit card ($1.95 and $16.95, twice each) and I do not know what the charges are for

Easy Saver And American Leisure
Scammed, keeps accessing my account even after I cancelled both memberships. Lanham Maryland