Valentine & Kelbartas
False Pretenses


The company harassed my husband at work about a credit card that was past due. We have been struggling like almost everyone else with gas prices as long everything else. My husband wanted to resolve the issue with the credit company so he hestitatingly agreed to start making a payment arrangement with the company to clear the debt. He was very clear that he would start the arrangement next month Sept 15th he gave them all the information to do direct withdrawl from our bank account, needless to say the very next day the money was withdrawn fron the account. Breaking the oringinal verbal agreement made between the company and my husband, this created such a mess and headache for us to clear up. When the company was called and confronted he was told that it was an accident that they put it through but there was nothing they could do to stop it now. How convenient for them.

Company: Valentine & Kelbartas
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Lawerence
Address: 15 Union St Ste 16
Phone: 9786897248
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No Flowers for my wife on Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day... No flowers for my wife

Valentine And Kebartas
EXTREME verbal harrassment and degradation

Centurion Financial
Rip-off! I got my money back!

Drive Financial Services
Ripoff, untruthfull, not willing to keep thr agreement, failure to zero out account after agreed payoff
Never use again

Ameritrust Financial
Said that it would cost nothing to start card, then another person said that they would withdrawl $200 from the bank account and my husband qualified for $2000 credit limit

Clear Credit
Ripoff, False and misleading advertising, Unknown withdrawls causing many bounced checks and fees

Keep asking for money for a bill that was or has been paid off in full

Valentine & Kebartas