Como Law Firm Aka Unifund CCR Partners
Como Law Firm - Unifund CCR Partners This company preys on the poor and the uninformed


This company said they served me papers when they really served my 86-year-old grandmother who has dementia. They then then proceed to obtain a judgement to garnish my wages. If that isn't enough, the levy my bank account. When I figure out what is going on and call them. One of their cronies calles me a dumb dead but - yells at me to pay my bills. I then go to visit the local legal aid office. I find out that I have rights. I try to contact these predators again and I get the same type of treatment!

Company: Como Law Firm Aka Unifund CCR Partners
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Saint Paul
Address: P.O. Box 130668
Phone: 6516410443
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UNIFUND CCR - Come Law Firm
First set of Interrogatories

Unifund CCR Partners, LLC
Filed Legal Action against me and refuses to settle

Unifund CCR Partners
Beware Of Unifund

Unifund CRR Partners
Unifund Partners LCC, Who is Unifund Partners... I am a victim too!

Unifund CCR Partners
Unifund, harrasing, intimidating and obtrusive in Maine

Unifund Ccr Partners
Trying to collect on a debt that has been deletedf rom my credit file

Unifund/como law

Unifund CCR Partners
Ripoff, judgement on credit card that was written off!

Scam and rip off!

I had a collection on my credit report from Unifund for a 2002 charge off