Sheryl L. Howard AKA Sheryl's Land Home Center
NC Rip-off Home Center liars


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Please read on for a detail information on my situation...
I started doing business with Sheryl's Land Home Center Located in King, NC King Exit on US52 (there is a Big sign that you can see from the highway) on August 11,1999. We wanted to only purchase the land they had for sale, but Sheryl insisted and promised us a Land and Home package with Financing. Later Sheryl told us that the only way I (Sheryl) can sell you (us) the land is by Purchasing the Land and Home Package. Since we were going to build later we said, We have no choice to accept, because we really liked the land.

Current and up-to-date information: finnaly, sheryl's land home center finished our home on dec. 2000 but we can't move in because we claim that they need to do all the things that was stated on all the documents that we had and sheryl is claiming that we owe her money that we never approved. Sheryl's land home center (sheryl l. Howard) and i are on the process of arbitration becuase of the arbitration clause that was mixed somewhere in between some construction information not related to the document. Currently, sheryl l. Howard is hiding behind the legal blanket. All the sudden they are claiming that we owe them money and they don't have any proof. They are trying to force us to give in by calling it "even" because sheryl claims that they spent too much money on the house to have it built and none of it was never approved by me. The amount they claim we owe them goes over the appraised value of the house bya about 25,000. I had two liens in my house because a subcontrator were not paid by sheryl and the subcontrator wanted to sieze my house. Later on we found out that the money to pay the subcontrator that sued us was already withdrawned and not paid to the subcontrator. Therefore, either sheryl pocketed the money or i don't know what she did with it. I assume that there is something crook it going on in that place. Even though we have some proof to prove everything, my lawyer recommends that he can work on the been "even" thing and that doesn't make sense. Sheryl knows that our home is at the merge of bankruptcy because sheryl land home center (sheryl l. Howard) do not want to give in the "even" situation. Please read on for a detail information on my situation...

Sheryl's Current Phone #: (336) 983-6800
Sheryl's Previous Phone #: (336) 759-0000
Sheryl's Mobile Phone #: (336) 399-4339

YorkTown Funding Inc. - Lender that is financing the construction of the Modular Home Phone#1 (800) 545-0221. THIS IS THE LENDER THAT WANTS TO FORECLOSE MY HOME AND THE HOLD UP IS SHERYL'S LAND HOME CENTER THAT DON'T WANT TO RESOLVE THE ISSUE.

Consumer Mortgage Corp.-Lender who will finance the loan after the construction is over. Consumer's Phone# (919) 661-7400.
Crestline - 1st and Original Modular Home Manufacturer.
Crestline's Phone# (800) 366-2981 Contact Name: Mike Walter. Or Joe Manus (Walter's Testemony: What Sheryl Do and says are two different things. We don't trust Sheryl.

New Era - 2nd Modular Home Manufacturer. Sheryl never made us aware of this manufacturer until March.

Commodore (Manorwood's Parent Company)- 3rd and Final Modular Home Manufacturer. Sheryl never made us aware of this manufacturer until March.

Crestline's Mike Walter (800) 366-2981

Robin Mummert
2349 Speer Bridge Rd. Ydknvl 27055
336) 463-3211

Pepper Q. Rodgers
3815 Patterson Ave.
W-S, NC 27105
(336) 661-1650
1 (800)-273-5329

Andy Stowe (336) 751-1571
Home Max

Greg Altizer

2) Home Completion Due-Dates with Major Delays - The home completion Due Dates have been over delayed and they caused the delay by doing the following:

I. Financial Contract Delays and Inconsistencies.

A) I applied for a loan with Consumer finance on 9/22/99; they delayed my loan approval with Consumer Finance for 1 Month and the excuse that I was giving Later by Sheryl is "Consumer Mortgage requires the loan deposit to mature in the bank for one month before proceeding with credit approval".

On 10/15/99 Sheryl said that they "lost and must have been misfile the loan papers and we have been looking for them all this time". They needed us to fax them a copy of the loan papers and we faxed them a copy.

B) On 8/11/99, we signed the first Sheryl's Land Home Development Contract. We gave Sheryl $8,500.00 (See Receipt - Exhibit A) toward the down payment of the Home and Land package. The same day we signed the first Sheryl's Land Home Development Contract and the total price of the Modular price to finish it was 161,090.00 8,500 (down payment) = 152,590.00 with a Interest of 7.25% financing. This includes the land as well (Please see Exhibit B).

C) On 10/29/99, Sheryl called us to have us sign another contract and the reason Sheryl gave us was: We need to sign this contract to qualify for a higher loan amount for the construction. The new amount was: $169,992.00 $8,500 = $161,492.00 with an interest of 7.25%. With an increase Amount difference of $8,902. (Please refer to Exhibit C).includes the land.

D) On 11/18/99, Sheryl called us to have us sign another contract and Sheryl gave us the same reason like Item C. The new amount was $181,400 - $8,500 = $172,900.00 with an interest of 7.25% with an increase Amount of $11,408. There was a discrepancy on the interest rate and made them correct it. (Please see Exhibit D).includes the land. This means that they have 172,900.00 $18,900 = $154,000. $154,000 to build the house with.

E) On 12/27/99, Sheryl called us so we can be introduced to the new Sheryl's Land Home Development Director Greg Altizer. We made Sheryl aware that they are causing so many delays and soon my rent will increase $15 higher effective Jan. 00 and it's only fair that they should pay that amount. Greg suggested that to make it legal we need to put everything in writing and we did. (See Exhibit E). Since 12/99, after we made several attempts to get them to pay it, they never pay the above amount for our rent.

F) When we went to meet Greg (General Director). Sheryl made a copy of Exhibit D to make one modification to it. The copy became exhibit E. Months later we compared Exhibits D and E and they do not match. My question is: If Exhibit E was a copy of Exhibit D then how come they do not match? (Please refer to the Highlighted areas in Exhibit D & E)

G) On Jan. 2000 Robin L. Mummert (Sheryl's ex-employee) called us to let us know, that they are playing with our money and they were at the merge of Bankruptcy. The same day I confronted Sheryl and she did not admit it. But later (March) in a phone conversation with Sheryl Howard finally revealed to us that the bankruptcy did almost took them out of business and caused major delays to the construction of the house. This item breach #8 on the Sheryl's land Home Development Contract.

Sheryl withheld this information from us and decided to keep giving us excuses from October 99 to March to keep us thinking that "the Modular home was still under construction" and they "were having problems with the plans and Ordering the right parts and problems with the Modular Home Engineer". We wanted to cancel the contract, but Sheryl insisted that if we backup she will be forced to keep our deposit and we will
be breaching our contract. At the same time Sheryl was moving from their office in Winston-Salem to King, which caused more delays.

H) On March 18th the Yorktown Funding contract (See Exhibit F) due date was past-due (Please Exhibit P Yorktown Past-Due Notice), due to unknown Delays Sheryl couldn't explain. After several attempts to find out if the loan has been extended, I finally hear from Al Martin (Sheryl's Employee) on March 31. Again, on the week of March 18th we told them that it is not fair that we have to continue paying the interest on the
house when it's not our fault that it's been delayed. Sheryl agreed that they would start paying the interest of the house.

I) On 7/7/00, Sheryl called us because she wants us to sign another contract to make up for some changes of the house. (The changes that were made is explained on Section Side Notes' #18). Johnny (Sheryl's employee) faxed us the Bill (See Exhibit G), we didn't want to sign another contract and she decided to stop any present and future construction of the house.

II. Construction Contracts Delays and Inconsistencies.
A) Sheryl Changed Manufacturers from Crestline to New Era and then finally to Manorwood without letting us know what was going on. We kept calling them and we were never able to get a clear answer from them about the delays.

B) On 09/7/99 Sheryl and I filed the first Crestline Manufacturer order list. (See Exhibit H, J and K).in the order list we originally ordered a Master Bathroom with Garden Tub and separate Shower. Sheryl and Al Martin (Sheryl's employee) told us that the bathroom is not big enough according to code to handle both Garden Tub and Separate Shower. We told them that we really want that kind of bathroom. Sheryl and Al Martin agreed that they would check on it and will fax us what we need to do to get what we want. Finally on 9/14/99 Al Martin faxed us what need to do (See Exhibit I) and later we called Al Martin and Sheryl to agree to it. Also, see Sheryl's web site to see the Garden Tub.

C) On 11/10/99 Sheryl called us because we needed to verify the Crestline order. The same day after comparing the 2nd Crestline Manufacturer contract to the original, we called Sheryl to let them know that they left out the 2x6 studs walls unchecked and they need to include it in the contract, and they said that it was our fault because we signed the contract. (See Exhibits J and K)

D) Early Feb. in a phone conversion when Sheryl was in Penn. Sheryl told me the Modular Home was been Manufactured by Crestline and "was on Crestline final construction line" also, the manufacturer needs to keep the home a couple more days to inspect the home, per Sheryl. Sheryl said all the above things to keep us thinking that they were doing something to
the house.

E) It was not until March when I was finally told that they were not dealing with Crestline Inc. And they have moved to New Era and then to Manorwood for the reasons listed on a paper that they gave me (See Exhibits L and M).

F) The House was finally delivered on April 28th to a neutral ground located on a public area in East Bend. Sheryl allowed us to see the inside of some pieces of the house. The same day Al Martin let us in and we found out that the Master Bedroom bathroom was not the one that we originally agreed to. (See Section II Part B). Later we decided to talk to Sheryl about it. Sheryl insisted that we got what we agreed, but we kept on disagreeing. The construction setting of the House on the property started on May 8th.

G) The Original Crestline order have been re-writing over and over again causing errors and missing or unchecked items by Sheryl's Land Home causing more delays. The 2nd and 3rd contracts had unchecked and unlisted items that were on the original contract. We caught the following errors on
the Crestline orders:
1) 2x6 studs unchecked, 2) Wrong Master Bedroom bathroom. Etc.
Immediately after that on 11/17/99 Sheryl called us to let us know that they have committed an error and they have not included other stuff on the contract and miscalculated the amount stated in the contract. They briefly explained the errors were because things have changed since then. To give them another chance, we decided to agree to their changes and proceeded to sign another Sheryl's Land Home Development Contract on 11/18/99 for the amount of $181,400 - $8,500 = $172,900.00.
(See Part I, Section D and Exhibit D)

III. Manufacturer Order Delays, Errors and Inconsistencies.
A) We signed a Crestline Home order, but we never signed a Manorwood Home Order. They decided to move from the Crestline order to the Manorwood order without our knowledge and approval (See Exhibits L and M) causing the following errors on the order:

1) The Master Bedroom bathroom was re-designed without our Knowledge (Read Section II Part B and Exhibit I, J, K and N). We did not get what we wanted on the bathroom, even after we made several reminders by phone to Sheryl to make sure that I was getting the right bathroom. They changed the bathroom to look like the one in Exhibit O'.

2) They never told us nor listed on the order list that the phone & TV's jacks are optional items and we should have order it if we wanted them. Later, Sheryl agree that she will put the jacks in the house. (See Side Notes' #6)

3) The wrong outside windows, the wrong outside doors. Positioning of many elements (faucets, floodlights etc) that we ordered are placed in the wrong place. (See Exhibits N and I (Fifth Page)

Side Notes:
1). Sheryl told us that they spent some of their own money on the basement and land. I told them to prove it to us and they do not want to present any evidence. Also, Sheryl said, they are loosing money on this deal. But I don't see how they are loosing money when they are withdrawing money directly from my Yorktown account.

2) Sheryl doesn't want to show us prove of the construction receipts, which raised the question: Do they have anything to hide? Also, they say that they don't have the receipts and they have not received anything from the contractors to know and give us a dollar figure on how much they have spent and how much the house will end up costing us.

3) Sheryl told us that she does not want to meet our demands to fix the bathroom and the other elements we brought up to her attention, because they refuse to start loosing money. If Sheryl knows that she will loose money, therefore, that means that they know how much the house will cost.

4) On May 15th Sheryl decided to go with us to a Mediator, so we can try to solve the above issue. At first I seemed not to agree with the mediator that they wanted to pick. We had our lawyer/mediator and they insisted that the mediator to be a member of the Association of mediators.

5) On May 16th. I called Yorktown funding to stop them from withdrawing any more money from my account.

6) On May 18th. Sheryl and I finally agreed that we would go with the member of association of mediators. But, I warned Sheryl that if for some reason I don't get partially credit for what I'm disputing, that I will pursue this further to my next step to get what I want. Immediately right after I said that, Sheryl finally decided to converse on my interests. Sheryl wanted to make it up. Finally, Sheryl agreed that she will do the following: Install all the 5 phone jacks, 5 TV jacks on the rooms of our choice and to set up a meeting on our time to check the house invoices and receipts expenses (have not taken place. Several attempts we made and they did not cooperate). After Sheryl's agreement, I warned Sheryl that she will have to comply to do everything or else I will pursue to see a Lawyer.

7) On May 19th. I called Yorktown funding to allow them continue withdrawing money for the construction. I sent Yorktown the fax. The same day they said that they will setup the crew and they will continue with the construction on Monday May 22nd 2000.

8) On May 22nd, I called them and they said that they're having problems with the inspector and Superior Wall. For some reason the Inspector is concerned on unexplained issues with the basement and they are trying to get hold of Superior Walls without any success up to this point.

9) On May 23rd, I called them and they said that there's still not success trying to get hold of Superior Walls.

10) On May 24th, I called them and they said that still no success.

11) On May 25th, I called them and they said that still no success.

12) On May 30th, Sheryl said that finally got hold of superior wall and they are trying to setup a conference between the Inspector and Superior Wall. I asked them if I could be part of the conference and they said yes. They will call me or leave me a v-mail msg. At work. (This never took place. They never called me)

13) On May 31st. I attempted to call them with no success. They finally called me at around 07:45pm.

14) On this Month of May they finally started paying the interest Payment on the house. We faxed and personally delivered the Interest payments from Yorktown. Also, Sheryl said that the Interest amount that we already pay to Yorktown would be sent to Yorktown to be counted and credited towards our final closing costs. On July 10th I called Yorktown to check if Sheryl deposited the credit to our account and Yorktown (Lori) said that no such deposit was credited to our account. Sheryl said that she made only one payment to Yorktown of the interest. (Please See Exhibit V Yorktown Invoice).

15) On June 2nd a Letter from Yorktown was brought to my attention stating that on March 18th the deadline for the house is overdue and I was at risk and subject to other Fees or Penalties if the full amount of the loan was not paid to Yorktown A.S.A.P. Led by Yorktown etc. (See Yorktown Letter Exhibit P).

16) On June 18th we received a letter from a lawyer stating that currently there is a lien against the house for no payments of the basement. According to Lori from Yorktown they withdrew the money for the basement last year. Lori wanted to stop fund transfer to Sheryl. (See Exhibit Q)

17) The week of June 26th. They set up the Heating and Air Line ducts.

18) On July 3rd. They did not work on the house. They said the house septic tank changed from a pump system to a Grinding system. They tried to blame it on us, because we moved the house back instead where they decided to place it. Going back to October or Nov. 1999, when we first surveyed the land (before any excavation took place) we went with Sheryl to the property to explain it to her where we want it. Then, we pin pointed and marked where we want the house.instead they decided to change the spot to a different place without our approval or notification. Later we found out and we made them change it back to the original plan. At that time they already had excavated where they wanted the property.

19) On July 7th them (Sheryl) told me that I need to sign more papers to increase the current approved cost of the house higher than what it was financed. I told them that I would get back with them and set up an appt. I refute to sign any more papers. Sheryl told us that she would stop the construction of the house until we agree to sign the papers.

20) On July 8th I called Yorktown to stop any more funding to Sheryl until I resolve all the above issues. Amount deducted up to date: $154,00.00

21) On July 21, I called Crestline (Mike Walter) to find out what the situation was with Sheryl and Crestline. Crestline's Mike Walter testimony about Sheryl was What She do and says are two different things. I do not trust her. On this same day we hand delivered a paper to Sheryl stating Sheryl will have to complete our home in 10 days. No feedback from Sheryl. We also sent a certified mail letter stating such (Exhibit R). She never replied.

22) 10 Days later the home was not completed. Sheryl ignores
everything that we tell her. We feel strongly that we cannot comprehend with this lady. Sheryl does not ever answer our calls.

23) We made 3 attempts to Sheryl to attend Arbitration, but we never hear any answer or confirmation from Sheryl. (See Exhibits S, T and U)

24) Yorktown stopped any flow of money to Sheryl until we resolve this issue. Yorktown do not want to open our account to Sheryl.

Company: Sheryl L. Howard AKA Sheryl's Land Home Center
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: King
Address: 223 Ingram Drive
Phone: 3369836800336
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