Union Workers Credit Services
$10,000 Platinum Card Activation Form... Just pay us $37.00


So... I've been burned in the past with another fraud... Luckily, American Express stepped in so I didn't loose alot of $.

Seeing this in my mail box today and after reading it over, I did a quick Google search... 1st thing that pops up is this usacomplaints.com website (kudos to your site!)

So, I am just adding my name to the list. I didn't send them anything... Just chiming in.

If it is too good to be true... It usually is. Especially if somebody wants money up front.

Good luck out there.

Company: Union Workers Credit Services
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: Union Workers Credit Services, PO Box 569410
Phone: 2144246888
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