Glen DeRonde / DeRonde & DeRonde
DeRonde Fairfield Attorney Fraud Ripoff Complaint


This Fairfield CA divorce attorney should be disbarred. He is a crook, a fraud, a thief, an embezzler and a liar.

I have proof he recently screwed my dad during a family court action out of close to $60K, and after being paid $25K for his malpractice caliber representation, never finished the case. My father's estate had to finish the Dissolution Judgement and QDROs on our own.

I am currently reporting him to various authorities for the following violations: 18 U.S.C. 1341 and 1346, California PENAL CODE 134,503, 504 & 506 ; California Business & Professions Code (State Bar Act) 6068,6103, 6106,6128, 6148,6211 & 6212; California WELFARE & INST CODE 15610.07,15610.27,15610.53; California Rules of Professional Conduct Rules: 3-110 (A), 3-700 (D) (1), 3-700 (D) (2), 4-100 (A)& (B) & 4-200 (A)& (B).

After nearly of two years of over billing my father and dragging out this case only to keep padding his bill, my father died. When I noticed money missing from my fathers trust account from stock sales and asked for an audit - he decided the law firm would forgive the alleged balance due of $8400.00 (after my dad had paid $25K already). When I challenged that balance and insisted upon an audit - the firm admitted to at misplacing least $4500.00 of my father's money -BUT they said since the bill had already been forgiven a week or so before that, they REFUSED to refund even the admitted amount stolen. The nerve!

Company: Glen DeRonde / DeRonde & DeRonde
Country: USA
State: California
City: Fairfield
Address: 460 Union Ave Suite B
Phone: 7074298700
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