Amer Leis
Withdraws $16.95 per mo. From my account for appox 1 yr. Put 6 mo. Stop on account and they are back again. They have stole money and coast me over drawen fees at my bank


For appox. 1 year amer leis has taken $16.95 per mo. From my bank account. I do not owe them any money what so ever! I have put a 6mo. Stop on my account and as soon as the 6 mo. Was up they started in again. I have gotten many over drawn fees of $35.00 ea. Due to this co.
Now i must change all accounts, cards, etc.

I want this to stop!!!

I want to make sure they donot do this to anymore people!
I would also like the money back they stole from me. Not to mention all the time and work i have had to put into this due to thier little rip off scam.
Thank - you for your time and help

Company: Amer Leis
Country: USA
State: Maryland
Phone: 8008469398
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Amer Leis/EZ Saver
Double charging

Ameri Leis, EZ Saver, Tlg Elite Excursion
Unauthorized transaction

Amer Leis, Ez Saver
Amer-Leis ripoffs / scammers/hijackers/thieves/no good

EZ Saver / Amer Leis
Fraudulent charges on checking account

Hydriz - Hydrol - Amer Leis - EZ Saver
EZ Saver or EMI, Encore Marketing International in Florida & Maryland Charging my checking account by my ATM which I have never used with any of these companies Carnelian Bay, California

Amer leis
Debit Theft

Hydriz - Hydrol - Amer Leis - EZ Saver
These companies have charged my credit card monthly for goods i never received!

Ez Saver - American Leisure
Unathorized $14.95 monthly charges

EZ Suyer - Amer Leis
Debit money from my checking account

EZ-Saver and Amer Leis
Signed up for savings packages and never got them, cancelled subscript and still paid for another month of "savings" packages