Universal Spells
Lies and stealing money


Hello, Ashamed and eager considered common periods for aid having a damaged connection. She required about $2,000.00 for many bullsh*t candleholders she'd to put up STORE from Israel, delivered them in my experience, and not delivered my calls or emails.

I'm about the virge of dropping my home, and that I wish nobody in-love may drop for this type of FRAUD. I am ashamed of myself but that is what individuals do from frustration.

Company: Universal Spells
Country: USA
State: California
Phone: 8006015730
Site: www.universalspells.com
  <     >  


Universal Solutions - seductivespells.com
Universal Solutions I lost $200 dollars on there fake spells, seductivespells.com is a big scam!

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Consumer Report

Instant Love Spells - Powerful love spells
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This website is misleading, a scam, con, fake operated by Megan the thief. New York

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A genuine spellcaste

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