Google Money Pit
Growing Rich With Google took money out of me bank account with out my knowledge one of them happened when i didn't even have a compute


I have been ripped off by both growing rich with google and google money pit. Its weird because they both got me for $39.95 each. And whats funnier yet is when they took out for the google money pit we had just moved and my computer wasn't even hooked up in June.

These guys must think their funny or something but I don't. I want my money back. Thats $79.90 that they owe me and I want it ASAP. I don't care what they say, I did not authorize these charges taken out of my bank account and I want them put back in.

If we keep biting the bullet on these issues it will never stop. Im all for fighting them how ever we have to.

Company: Google Money Pit
Country: USA
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Google is worst

Growing Rich With Google
Ripoff by trusted name nevada

Growing Rich With Google - BSM/Grant Search
Growing Rich With Google Money taken from my account with out my permission Las Vages

Growing rich with google
Took money I didn't have from my account Notice: This company has no affiliation with Google

Growing Rich With Google
Is a ripoff

PWW Google Biz Kit
Scam - Fraud

Growing Rich With Google
Unauthorized charges!

Growing Rich With Google
Charged my account without my permission Internet

Growing Rich With Google
Charged illegally

Growing Rich W/Google - The Google Riches
Growing Rich W/Google - The Google Riches RIPOFF ignore inquires