2020 Companies
Wheres my money


This company makes many promises it cannot deliver. I have seen many people abused. I am owed thousands of dollars in revenue I generated as a sales agent. Bonus money is often promised but falls through due to paperwork issues. Also alot of your sales are rejected off your paycheck due to communication issues between 2020 and the company its contracted by such as Verizon. On the plus side the people are great to work with. It is great being on a sales team. Also if you are promoted to a GM you can make six figures. It doesn't matter what your education level is as long as you are a strong person. If you want job security this is not for you because parameters on commission, leads, and contracts are always changing. I would not be surprised if I walked into the office tomorrow to find the market shut down.

Company: 2020 Companies
Country: USA
State: Texas
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2020 Companies
Everything you can think of

2020 Companies
2020 companies dishonesty

20/20 Companies
Company full of lies All Over Los Angeles California

Innovative Business Funding Tom Alexander
IBF Tom Alexander failed to pay money earned and generated by the sale of Financial Programs for retail businesses. This was a commission sales position in which each sales manager/agent was responsible Butler, Internet

Absolute Security
Dave Weinstien Commision Scam for ADT

TRG Customer Solutions
TRG is a scam company as it hires under false pretenses offering good commissions, prime territories none of which are given after hire

2020 C4 Connections Chad Chappie
Do not believe anything he says he is a master manipulator and lie

DS-Max ripoff waste of time money effort pyramid scheme

DS-Max ripoff, waste of time, money, effort, pyramid scheme

2020 Companies
Great Information on 2020