Liveperson Kasamba
Unethical Company And Unethical Psychics proof that some psychics discuss - even inside the company New York


Since they bought the company it seems the Liveperson Kasamba are increasingly supporting the activities of the fraudulent and unethical psychics.

I have loaded two files onto the yahoo group called: weakguyonkasamba

The first is shows two psychics discussing a client in a disparaging way.

I want to add that some ethical psychics spoke out in the thread against their discussion of a client in a public forum, but I didn't post that because I do not want the ethical ones to be linked with the others in any way.

It is just two screenshots but it tells a big story. I took the screenshots 3 months after they were posted on the psychics forum in LP. That forum is highly moderated by the LP staff and they didn't bother to remove it. Yet they remove any posts that challenge their authority.

The second file is an update to the Master Z fraud. I added the email from LP support in which LP support said they would not post the rating because it was malicious. Gee, I thought Liveperson advertise that it had a fair rating system iwhich was designed to help clients make choices.

In the email we were banned for 'harassing multiple experts. That account was only opened before the reading (I added the welcome email) and within hours of posting the rating we were banned so I don't know how we could have had the time (especially since it was night time here) to engage in much harassment because I for one need my sleep. The account was open maybe 36 hours. Liars-more proof of false advertising.

There was a particular reason for targeting him the old perv likes to sexually harass women clients. And yes I have proof and no I am not going to post iit publically because I was asked to keep it in the report and not post it publically. However, it is not hard to imagine. Later I will post screen shots of Master Z online at the sex site and Liveperson at the same time. Now that is not a crime. But he wasn't getting any business on the sex site maybe one client a year and he paid for a featured listing sometimes so I guess he was doing it for the ego boost or maybe he just gets off hurting people.

We had said he was a fraud in the rating and that was why were removed, Yet LP advertises that they have a rating system that assures prospective new clients that they are paying for expertise, not fraud.

I intend to keep loading files on a regular basis now. I will take the most damaging snippets from the case studies in order to warn clients. I tried very very hard over the past year to refrain from untrammelled psychic bashing and focus on trying to get some proof that the company is the report I have only used case examples of psychics for which there is irrefutable proof that they are frauds.

But after listening to the abject denials from Ladriele that she did anything wrong and logging on to see that someone was trying to get at me again (like how obvious to pick that old post to send a message) as far as I am concerned all bets are off.

What matters is warning clients about those evil creatures. I have had several messages from Liveperson clients who have said they had thought of trying master Z or Powerful visions until they saw them on the yahoo group.

You see it doesn't take much to warn clients these fact a website might be a good idea. It would come up on google and clients could anonymously send in their experiences ESPECIALLY when they have trusted someone for a long time, paid them a lot of money and suddenly they are blocked because they want to know why they paid thousands of dollars and their predictions didn't come through.

After I load a few bits and pieces outing some frauds I am going to start a section in the files for psychics that lead clients on and block them.


The group is not moderated-any one can join automatically copy the files leave the group with the copies or stick around because they are going to be loaded a lot quicker now.

Since most of the huge report is finished (it got interrupted when i was ill but got my third wind now), it really is a 30 second job to do a cut and paste showing the psychic and the proof of fraud. After this last couple of days I realised it is time to start PROTECTING CLINETS FROM THE EVIL ON LIVEPERSON KASAMBAl that masquerade as psychics on that site.

It is beyond me why the frauds would hurt people for money; sexually harass young girls while they were paying some outrageous rate to a man they thought they could trust; try to get one last huge payment out of someone who was depressed (no use denying it Ladriele, I have all the transcripts including the one when I wouldn't pay and I was really down and you cut me off and sent me a crying face-mocking me).

Oh and the people who wrote those posts about me (It looks like different writing styles) whenever information about you or one of your mates is loaded onto the yahoo group and business slowly drops know that it is YOUR fault because reading those posts after some time made me realise how truly stupid you are.

I could find you with an attorney and an internet expert and I WOULD WIN A LIBEL CASE but know this. Seeing those posts and listening to the denials and victim blaming of a so called psychic when I had all the written proof about what she told me has pushed me just a little too far.

I have the benefit of hindsight, I am not depressed and I caught up on my work from when I was ill. But I am so totally disgusted. I mean how do the frauds sleep at night. Fruno advertises he is like the pillar of his community and yet he defrauds people on a daily basis. Why doesn't he see that using the same scripted readings over and over againfor years is immoral and illegal. It is fraud.

I'll load Fruno and Lee as soon as I get my damaged hard drive back because they are bith written up for the report. Oh I nearly forgot. I have quite a few excerpts from transcripts (with permission to use them anonymously) that show quite a few of he front page experts trying to sell spells and meditations and cleansings.

I really DO have 500 pages of research and while the report will not be disseminated at this point, it is easy to do a little cut and paste here and there. It can't be too difficult to set up a web site that google picks up. All the frauds have Roadkill and MaryAnn to thank because, you know what, she crossed the line and that is it. The insults were nothing But listen to me you selfish (not allowed to write the words) evil vindictive scrags who published enough details to enable some psycho to find out where I live.

MY FATHER RISKED HIS LIFE FOR YOUR WAR. He was a bomber pilot detailed to Japan in WW2. My Grandfather enlisted in both wars. I have a relative who went over to help YOUR country during the Gulf War. My cousin went to Vietnam to help YOUR country. My Dad is very frail now. He slipped off the wing of a plane and with age his back is gone. He can hardly walk and because he lives with me he wouldn't have a chance against some psycho.

That was the only thing I worried about the first time those posts were published but now I have to worry and be attentive to making sure windows are closed etc all because of you evil hearts and stupid minds. I am going to be far more proactive in exposing INDIVIDUAL FRAUDULENT PSYCHICS and I have 3-400 pages of proof of fraud. I didn't stalk and target particular psychics when you wrote that BUT I SURE AM GOING TO EXPOSE THEM NOW.

So it is payback time. My father is not very well and roadkill, whi i assume is one of the authors, decided to bring those reports that give enough information for some to find out where i live and maybe hurt my father-who risked his life for your stupid freedom. I still live at the same address as when i worked at the university. It is easy to find out where someone lives and it is also common for people who break into houses in which ekderly people are alone to bash them,

I have to work. My fayher is almost housebound now. The neighbours on both sides work. I will worry now-all day. But you see every time i get anxious about my dad i will plug in my flashdrive into my work computer and load some more information about one of the evil con artists who fleece good people of their money, discuss and publish client details and put human beings at risk for their own gain.

BTW: Don't bother threatening to report me to the government I am exempt from those rules because of the nature of my work, i just spent four days at home using mMY OWN RESOURCES to finish a major report so that the clinical trial technicians could use my office for ECGs. Our working space is small and we have very sick patinets so sometimes it is easier to work at home.

Seeing thos posts again in a different light made me realise that whoever wrote the posts is truly evil and likely to be in my report. I am beyond angry. I am so over the bunch of evil vindictive lying scrags on this site, i am sick of reading reports from clients that have been ripped off or hurt, I didn't out to do this project but I am going to finish it.

It was always about the structure-I didn't ser out to stalk psychics. I acually came across this site and made a report and got attacked. I was naive and had been through a bad time. Mostly I could belive how hearless and cruel these expensive psychic could be when you questioned them ot your money ran out. Moreover, despite the fact that I had transcripts in which they declared 100% that they were right, they denied it made some excuse and blocked me.

I am going to start a section inside the yahoo group and provide examples of the ones that did that to me in order to warn others not to have that first reading.

So listen, you vindictive scrags. I actually wasn't guilty of all those stalking accusations but I PROMISE YOU I AM GOING TO BE FAR WORSE THAN YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE. I HAVE SO MUCH PROOF FROM PEOPLE WHO GIVE SCRIPTED READINGS TO THOSE WHO TRY TO TAKE YOU OFFFLINE OR SELL YOU A 30 MINUTE MEDITATION, multiple profiles, the lot

Shortly i am going to start a website and work out the best way to get it to google next to the site and call it liveperson psychics find the frauds here - or something

I actually wasn't into psychic bashing. What you fail to admit is that there are a lot of frauds and many are on the front couple of pages. The purpose really was to demonstrate how the company covers up the fraud. What I found out was it is activly engaging in facilitating it AND I can prove several incidences of false advertising

That is the last section of the report that needs to be edited. I got sick then drowned my compter. I just sent that huge publication to my very happy boss and that means i have a bit more time now and a working laptop at home.

Let me say one more time: the yahoo group is completely open. Anyone can join -you don't need anyone's approval to join, view or download files. It is called


Have a look at the master z files and you'll see why

Roadkill posting on that old thread that was a not so subtle attempt to hurt me

I will now worry about my dad.

You crossed the line

A 'real psychic' would know those allegations were not true

Also a 'real psychic' would know that you have gone too far and i am going to hurt you back over and over again,

Either you or some of your mates are in the report. If not, those who are publically exposed because of you will not be pleased

Maybe you should take a walk down the middle of the highway because it will hurt less

My father has become very disabled in the last six months and is an easy tarket for some psycho.

It also shows, much like the screenshots i just posted in the yahoo group, that not only discussing but denigrating clients is a commin practice among the frauds.

Your not psychic-you would have known that putting an old man who i love and who fought for your freedom at risk would push me into revenge mode.

There is no going back now. I am beyond angry. It is time to start protecting clients.

It only hit me the last few days how evil some of you people are

Well, i am going to warn clients and believe me if one look at the copyrighted picture stolen by powerful visions stopped a potential client who was about to have a reading, thhe rest of the information will open their eyes to all the frauds.

I do know who the genuine ones are but i won't publish it. However if a potential client emails me and ask if a specific psychic is a fraud or not i will tell them the truth-yes, no or i don't know.

Soroadkill and whoever is involved in those posts i guess you achieved you objective-to upset me. You just picked the wrong person at the wrong time.


Company: Liveperson Kasamba
Country: USA
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