Ramada Plaza Resorts
Is a Ripoff Don't be Lured in


Ramada Plaze resorts sent me an advertisement in the mail saying I was qualified for this trip. I called the number and told them immediately I was NOT interested and to please take me off of their list. They then used "their specialized selling tatics" to lure me in. The told me they would cut the price in half from $1300 to $598 and would throw in 2 other locales and a choice from 10 places for 3 other mini-vacations.

I again told them this was not in my price range they then told me they could divide it up over a year's worth of payments and I could take the vacation any time over the next three years. This all sounded like a scam to me. IF SOMETHING SOUNDS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE IT PROBABLY IS!!! I should have followed my own advice.

I didn't and gave them my credit card information over the phone for them to take out equal payments every month for the next 12 months. They took out the first payment that night and then next month the payment came out and it was for MORE than they had agreed to... BIG SURPRISE (not really). So I called and complained so they said they would divide the reminder of the payments up equally for the next 10 months and the payment I paid that was more would make the remaining payments less. So of course, I agreed. Uggghhh, what was I thinking!!!

After that little debacle for whatever reason those idiots that work their couldn't get my credit card number right and have only taken payments our sporadically when I called them to remind them to take out the payment. Man, I am such an idiot. I should have left well enought alone!

Well, I have only had $179 total taken out of my account and they haven't tried to take any more money since March. I was actually looking on the internet for a different number to call so I could possilby get my money since they couldn't get their act together becuase we had wanted to take that trip in August of this year but, decided our money was better spent elsewhere; thank goodness!

I happened upon this sight looking for a new number and realize it is probably pointless to call but, at least I will not waste anymore of my time or money with this company. I hope other people are as lucky as I am.

Company: Ramada Plaza Resorts
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Fort Lauderdale
Address: 2419 E. Commercial Boulevard, Suite 100
Phone: 9546309449
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