USFastCash, FastCash, ACC, And Ameriloan, And Possibly Esidelend
Still trying to continue to scam and rip me off Oklahoma, Idaho, Florida, California


I have recently found out that if you use, you actually sign on to USFastCash, Fast Cash, Ameriloan, ACC, and possibly Esidelend. They all end up with your account information and with or without your permission, they start deducting money from your account. I only signed up with USFastCash, Ameriloan, and Esidelend and found myself paying way... More than I borrowed. Not only to the three so called companies, but to Fast Cash and ACC.

There is a solution though, first thing you want to do is FREEZE your account if it is overdrawn and work to closing it.By freezing your account, the companies can't take the money from you anymore. When they call, let them know that you are seeking legal action against their company, ask for a phone number and inform them that you will contact them as soon as the attorney has been retained. They won't give you there phone number and you should receive an email informing you that your loan has been paid in full.

WARNING: You will start beginning to receive more emails informing you that you qualify for higher amounts of money... Ie $5,000, $10,000, and even $50,000 and you're encouraged to act quickly or you may lose it. These are the same exact companies that scammed all of us... PLEASE, DO NOT DO IT! Best thing to do is to move them to SPAM and NEVER act on them. I hope this helps the other suckered, desperate individuals that are trying to make it in this straining economy. Good Luck to all my fellow suckers, we can rise above this and fight back!

Company: USFastCash, FastCash, ACC, And Ameriloan, And Possibly Esidelend
Country: USA
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Ameriloan - US Fastcash

Ameriloan loanees! Beware!

Ameriloan, Usfastcash, Usa Credit
Ripoff fraudulent billing internet

Ameriloan, 500 Fastcash
Ameriloan, 500 Fastcash Rip Offs, like to steal your hard earned money

USfastcash gives you your money very fast, then the problems start. There seems to be no way of paying off the account, no way of contacting them, and a fax number that does not really exist


Ameriloan AND USfastCash
Here's The Address And More Info. Let's All Go Get Em! Continuing Rip off

Deposited money in my account

Took money out of my account

They continued to take money out of my account when the loan was already paid off