Feedback Research Services
Give False Hope


If anyone gets any mail from these people shred it up quick, burn it chuck it, have the dog eat it or your son/daughter scribble all over the paper. These individuals are Scam Artists from the highest point of disgust, they give you a false hope that you are going to be making a part time income and without warning they take it away.

As stated in the previous articles from other victims they too gave me a letter stating that if you complete these assignments that you will get a small portion of this 3100 dollars, unknowing to you is that as soon as you think the money is cleared or still says posting to your account thinking that you do all these things in about 7 days that the money will be there, NO not true fortunate for me I used the weaker of my accounts to put the money in so in case they did a chisty move I would catch it and low and behold they did just that. But in my case I did the first part of the assignment not to get to the second part but faxed off the other things they needed like the receipts and the other part of the paper.

So in all actuality the only thing I really did was to use my money, but if anybody has equal amount to the check and went through with the whole deal they are losing out of 2535 plus the fee to transfer off the money because as soon as you send everything out you lost about 2700 dollars of your hard earn cash and they take the check back and they made money off of you in my case the only thing I lost was the 100 dollars but not really because I can return those things some other people who use the money and the money that never cleared thinking that it would and used their own money to transfer the money lost out hence forth they gave these individuals and myself a False sense of hope. So anybody else who gets a letter from these individuals if you get the check run away from it burn it up as soon as possible, call your local authorities
have them check the bank name.

Upset individual

Company: Feedback Research Services
Country: USA
State: California
City: Kingston
Address: PO Box1990
Phone: 5146751456
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Feedback Research Services
Andrea Klein Mystery Shoppe

National Awards Advisory Center
I got a letter in the mail today from this company stating a garenteed win of 1.9M

Las Vega Nevada Actionable Award Program
I fell for this scam and sent 20 dollars to them Ripoff

Global Resource & Finance Co
Deposit in my account

Uhi claims account
Consumer Report

Affordable Research Center
Affordable Construction - Sent a check for a secret shopper assignment. Sent me a counterfeit check and overdrew my account over 80,000 forcing it to close

RS Consulting Group
Consumer Report

Bank of America
Scam charges

Bank of America
Unauthorized charges

W.M. Loglinecorp
I fell for this scam and lost $1795.33 I was in need for some extra cash and $350.00 they were paying me sound good. I was a fool! Who ever these people are, I hope you burn in HELL you S.O.B.S