At Home Publishing
Promised to send me a kit to work at home stuffing envekopes but ripped me off for 40.00 and i got nothing


I received a magazine with work at home business and opportunities in it The whole magazine seemed legite. There were many pyramid schemes and multilevel marketing plans that I was familiar with so i just assumed the other ads were legite also. I am totally disabled mom and desperately was looking for work I could do from home. The ad said i could stuff and mail envelopes for a publishing company, for 40.00 I could receive a kit to do this Instead I received nothing. But a big ripoff. I used part of my stimulus pkg. Hoping i could have some sort of a job I was desperately waiting on a kit in the mail to go to work I sent a money order for the kit. And just got ripped off.

Company: At Home Publishing
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
Address: 701 N Green Valley Parkway #200
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At Home Publishing
Earn 2$ per envelope mailed from home Uern up to 1000$/per week