Landmark Forum Education
Scam Los Angeles


This education is promised to bring positive into your life and help you to live life extrordinary. It is a SCAM. It is a waiste of time, money, effort to go there and hear the speaker talking nonesense to you. They make to stay there 14 hours long for 3-4 days and all the speaker do is to be rude, interupted everyone and made everyone curious. He then concluded that "human race are machine and life is empty and meaningless", and this is just his point of view, there is absolutely no proof what so ever. This is the most rediculus event ever happen on earth. The money they charge for the course is extremerly expensive and still. I will get nothing out of it. When I registered, they promised me that I will get rich and get much more powerful. I almost got into automobile accident many times after the forum because my mind was lost and became stupid. Stay away from people who tried to talk you into this. It is terrible.

Company: Landmark Forum Education
Country: USA
State: California
City: Rosemead
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Landmark Education
Avoid Landmark Education - Rip off / Pyramid Scheme

Landmark education
Brainwashing, Neo-nazi style indoctrination

Landmark Forum
Landmark Education, fraud, cult, brainwashing ripoff, con artist, liar, dishonest, wanted criminal, thief, false, impersonator, sociopath

Landmark Education
May mislead you to think like them

Landmark Education
Does not honor refunds, ripoff

Landmark Education
Scam - ABSOLUTELY - waste of time San Francisco California

American Income Life

Landmark Forum, Nationwide
Ripoff, husband pays money to Landmark to better relationship and is taughtinstead how to start new life, alone. Top dollar loss of spouse rifoff indeed big time

Landmark Education
Ripoff, deceptive, con artist, arogant jerks, brainwashers, cult, money grabbers, liars, stupid idiots with no credentials or real education in human relationships

Landmark Forum
Awful place