I have been "RIPPED OFF" by Intelius, and apparently I am not alone by this deceptive company


I was viewing my credit card statement today and found an unexplained fee for 19.95. After calling the number on the statement, I found that the company was Intelius and that I have been getting billed every month for seven months 19.95 for my "so-called" membership for a total to date of 139.65. I only accepted the one-time 14.95/4.95 discount for a one-time use of looking up a number.

After getting nowhere with this representative, I was wanting to know exactly what I would have had to do on-line in order to have approved this payment to come off my card on a monthly basis. She, of course, could not explain that to me, so I asked to speak with a supervisor. I was then transferred to a "Latoya, ID 5152" and also got pretty much the run-around from her. She basically told me what I already knew thus far. When asking exactly what I would have had to do to approve this payment, she said she did not know because she did not have access to the internet. Wow, a company that does on-line searches in order to make money and rip people off does not supply internet to its representatives, supervisors. I find that very hard to believe.

Also when I asked "Latoya" for a web address she stated there was not one, again pretty hard to believe. I went on-line as if I had the first time looking up a phone number and managed to get to the "terms and conditions" box that would have had to have been checked by me for this supposely one-time 14.95 payment, and I find nothing that says my card will be billed 19.95 a month and that I am a member. Also, I have not used their services since that time because obviously I did not know I was a member, and also usually when you are a legitimate member of something you get frequent emails of updates, information, etc... None of which I have received. Hmm... Could it be they did not want me to know I was a member in order to keep billing me. I know I am not alone with this, and with our country being in the financial condition it is, I/we cannot afford to be ripped of like this. I personally am a struggling single mother of 3 teenagers and my income is very limited, very limited. I hope someone can help me with this.

Company: Intelius
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
City: Omaha
Address: 9500 West Dodge Road
Phone: 8002119749
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