Northwest Airlines - WorldPerks - Magazines for Miles
Rip off


I have frequently ordered magazines through North West Airlines Worldperks Magazines for Miles. Often I don't get the magazine. The pass the buck to a company called CAP systems, and their customer service is horrible. You email them, they ignore you. You call them, they say they will investigate, and nothing happens. Sometimes they say "their" computer system doesn't show a record of the order, even though NWA's clearly does when I go to my account on their site, plus the email I get when I ordered. ALWAYS the miles are immediately removed from my account when I order. They're very good at that!

Sometimes I will get the magazine after complaining, sometimes not. Sometimes for the ones I do get, it takes 3-4 months to get.

Company: Northwest Airlines - WorldPerks - Magazines for Miles
Country: USA
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