Universal Subscription Agency
Clueless college students selling cheap "fake" magazines they no nothing about


This afternoon I had two young males knock on my door. One was short and the other was tall and fat. I live in a "secure" apartment building and there is NO soliciting allowed on the property. At first I thought they were some kids that lived downstairs because I thought they look familiar. I opened my door and they immediately started their story on how they were college kids competing against a girls team to sell magazines for a trip to Mexico and text books and they were with some company called Universal Subscription Agency. They started asking what my profession is, if I was married, etc while making lighthearted and cheezy jokes. One was "Do you want to go to Acapulco?" (He put his arms up like a chicken), "Then grab on to these chicken wings and lets go!". Very cheezy.

They continued to ask questions that were none of their business and even asked if I know the Hot blond chick who lives downstairs. There is no blonde chick that lives on the first floor! During their speech I remembered I heard this story before 3 years ago when I lived in Pittsburgh. Then I realized why they looked familiar. They were the same GUYS! I played along with their little game and toyed with them asking about Magazines that were not on their list. I asked if they carried Computer Arts magazine (its a graphic arts mag import from the U.K. Costing $15 an issue). He said yeah they do carry it (highly unlikely as you can only find it in a store like Borders or Barnes & Noble). I asked how much and he said it was 25 issues for $30. I told him there was no way it was that cheap and he went on about how companies need to sell their extra copies so they sell for cheap. Computer Arts magazine sells out almost every issue. I told them I don't carry cash and don't have any more checks and they finally left. I called the cops to try to get them to leave the property so they don't scam anyone else. They sent a cop over but I don't know what happened after that.

Do not let these creeps in your house. They are liars and will steal your money for who knows what. Be ware!

Company: Universal Subscription Agency
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Stow
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Universal Subscription Agency
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Universal Subscription Agency, Inc
I should have known better, but I too had fallen for the kid selling magazines to go to college