Image Employment - Career Network
Previous complaints regarding this company are the same I experienced


I found the same job posted as did the complainant from Georgia needed near my own hometown. I should have paid attention to my gut feeling when questions arose before my resume was able to be submitted such as: do I want information for education - after I checked the box indicating I am degreed, and who is my cell phone carrier as well as rating my own credit score.

I received an email the following day stating, "We have received your application and feel you meet the initial requirements for the position. I would like to recommend you as a qualified candidate."

I was told, "If you still wish to be considered for this position you may visit the website at the following address: Aspx? Email= (insert my own email "address) &id=imageemployment2nd9 (an extensive series of numbers)

I was informed,

"This link will open the application page which will ask for a login to continue. You may log into the site using your id as follows: "
In which I was given both an id and password to use at the listed site.

And led to believe by them that,

"Once you have logged into the site you will be asked to verify any information that we currently have on record. Please assist us in expediting your application by supplying any additional required information in the fields provided. You will be contacted directly by a member of our Human Resources staff once we have received and reviewed you final application."

"Thank You,
Chris Sandlin Human Resources"

"Career Network, Inc.
P.O. Box 618305
Orlando, Florida 32861-8305 "

I attempted to use the link which led me to the Career Network home page. I could not use the id, nor password to log on. I also noticed the site address was completely different than the one provided. I attempted to manually input the address of the link that should have appeared but it was an invalid address. I also thought it interesting that the Human Resources office dealing with my resume' was in Florida, and provided nothing but a P.O. Box office as a point of contact. However, they do provide a link for a "Do not contact me in the future." request - that did work!

I am very concerned that this "company" has much of my personal such uncertain times as these I have to wonder how may people have forwarded personal information to similar employment companies in hope of gaining employment. I requested they not contact me in the future, changed my email address and removed all personal info from my resume' except for my own name and new email address.

Company: Image Employment - Career Network
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: Career Network Inc. P.O. Box 618305
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