Tempe Arizona
Investigate the recall on Giuliano in... The Mormons are behind this


Date: Tue, 30 Jan 19:32: 46 EST
Subject: Tempe Major Neil Giuliano
To: info@usacomplaints.com and

I wish someone would investigate the recall on Giuliano in Tempe Arizona. I somehow believe the Mormons are behind this. We need to get our State back.

I have lived in Mesa for 18 years and then moved to Gilbert. I have known a lot of Mormons and most of them are good people. But when they start trying to get involved with our schools and government it concerns me. I listen to a lot of talk radio and almost always it seems like they are involved in everything
that goes on in the East Valley.

They have changed the 4th of July from Sunday to Monday. One year they tried to change Halloween. They seem to be getting a little to powerful. I wish not to give my name only because of my business. I think your web sight will make people more aware. I think we should continue to keep church and state the way it is. And as far as Major Giuliano, I know they don't like him because he is gay. I think the Mormons are involved in someway, but I do not have any proof and I think it is unfair because he
is a good Major.

Thank You

Company: Tempe Arizona
Country: USA
State: Arizona
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