Ask The Nerd XP Medic
XpMedic steals personal information


XPMedic uses outlook to steal personal information from your pc and most antivirus programs wont catch it. After I was a victom of this program. I decided to test it.

If you dont have an active email the program does nothing and runs normal, but if you have a active email the program freezes your pc temporarly and activates your email and you will see your antivirus checking it but not stoping it while its stealing your info.

I've scaned the program with mutiple antivirus including online antivirus and found nothing. AVG, Avast, Kaspersky and spyware wont catch it.

The way I finally caught it was to install it on a second pc I have that has Symantec corp antivirus and activate one of my other email accounts that I have that has no personal important info.

I started XPMedic and my pc froze and SAV blocked it and informed me about the addresses it was trying to send.

As I stated earlier I am a victom of this software. I found that they got my debit card number and used it. I dont save my card number to my pc and I heavly password any account. Pst that I have.

But what I think happened is after a lot of research I found that I missed 2 maybe 3 of accounts and they logged into them and got my personal info.

I'm not real sure how they got it but they did. Also I searched the registry and could not find anything but I know this program search the registry and used my email to send the info and after it sent my info my pc unfroze and the program worked normal.

This program is suposed to a registry repair but it is a personal information thief and most antivirus programs wont stop it, so I recomend you steer clear.
I've filed a police report and had my bank to start an investigation.

Dont purchase anything from women within they were not helpful in reversing the charges where my card was used. The charges were pending at my bank and as soon as I confronted them about the problem they removed the funds
right after I had spoke with them. Also my card was canceled in April the first time they charge something.

This is the strange part no other charges came in until june way after I canceled my card. I'm thinking how can they do that. I was told the charges were made for the card was canceled. This is just my opinion but it appears to me that maybe the charged were back dated some how so they could still use the card.

The other companys that I spoke with reversed the charges and were very helpful and I lost nothing but woman within would not help and says the police will have to fax a request to them.

Company: Ask The Nerd XP Medic
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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