Theodore G. Arnstein Leila P. Arnstein Theodore H. Arnstein
Stole my personal injury and future pain & suffering money. Stole marital property. Filed false claims to have daughter taken by dcf. Orlando


Stole large personal injury, future pain and suffering money. Swindled me out of marital property by persuading me to place it in exes parents name. Paid ex-husbands father 10,000.00 for capital gains on prior property. I offered a fair and equitable resolve and they have flipped me the finger, they hired the best attorney money can buy and they don't need my money.instead of offering me what they have paid to divorce attorney they choose to continue the legal blood bath. After severe accident, mutiple surgeries to many to name and being placed on $700.00 a month SS disability divorce judge awarded me no alimony. Married 9 years, contributed to a business until my accident, ex-husband goes under oath and states I am dis-abled. I receive my settlement am convinced to pay off a large equity line (not in my name) in the exes parents name and the list goes short I gave ten years of my life to a man highly educated, well off, makes over 6 figures a year, get in life changing accident, pay off equity line, make large deposits in exes Mom's account from future pain and suffering money, ex husband makes false claims to dcf and has my daughter taken away from me just 10 days after I have to deal with the death of my beloved father. Youth gone, home gone, finances gone, father gone, slight disability check, no alimony and my ex and his parents are looking at their schwab accounts (worth millions) laughing all the way to the bank. I owe my pathetic divorce attorney $8,000.00, and now have found a new divorce attorney to try and get the judge to honor his ruling of the right to rule on bridge the gap alimony. I have no more money to forward to her meanwhile my ex leaves me text messages bragging about his bulldog legal team as if he is O.J. Simpson. Can anyone help?

Company: Theodore G. Arnstein Leila P. Arnstein Theodore H. Arnstein
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Sarasota
Address: Woodlands Drive
Phone: 9046524035
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