Kay's Nturals LLC
$54 for Kids books that were never sent


A young man came to the door to sell kids books that would benefit his football team. $54 dollars was for 2 books, and I assumed a good cause. We never received any books.

Company: Kay's Nturals LLC
Country: USA
State: Arizona, California
City: Phoenix
Address: PO Box 43888
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My Dynasty sales
Paid cash for books and never received them

MTS Circulation LLC - 152
Consumer Report

MTS Circulation LLC - 152
Consumer Report

Mts Circulation
They were selling kids books that could be sent to you or a childrens hospital, but are never sent

MTS Circulation LLC-152
Consumer Report

Ournaturals - Kays Naturals
Never buy magazines or books from door to door salesman

Half Price Books
Ripoff deceptive company

Nxcess sales, LLC PO Box 82426 Phoenix, AR 85071
Salesperson - Jordan Wyatt Two young men and a father were selling books to pay for soccer team's trip to England to represent Sacramento in International match

Dynasty Tecnologies 211
MTS Circulation LLC Magazine, book scam claiming going to a children's charity Internet

AM Press Associates
I ordered Disney books from two kids, for my kids. I cant contact anyone, to let them know I havent recieved them. Ive been ripped off. Ripoff