Colon Cure
Received my "free" Colon Cure and then was charged $90.02 on my debit card!


There's no such thing as a "free" offer.

I received by email an advertisement for Colon Cure. A "free" bottle. All I had to do was pay $3.95 for shipping and handling. Sounded great, so I paid the shipping and handling.

To my astonishment, on May 31 $90.02 was charged to my debit card for a shipment that I did not order. I called to cancel shipment and they said it had already been shipped.

Si, no it's now June 13 and I still have not received shipment. I called yesterday and they said it "was on the dock" and would ship next week. They did confirm that they cancelled my "account".

What a rip-off. I've learned my lesson! Ouch!!!

Company: Colon Cure
Country: USA
Phone: 8012087485
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Nu Body Colon Cure
Charged My credit card with out authorization 89.31 for colon cure

Colon Cure
Free Trial of Colon Cure Rip Off

Colon Cure
Purchased trial bottle of Colon Cure, paid shipping / unknown to me 89.00 taken from my account

Colon Cure Offered a free sample of colon cure. Just pay shipping charges

Colon Cure
Rip off

Colon Cure/nubodi
Colon Curecolon Cure / nubodi COLON CURE / NUBODI MAJOR FRAUD BEWARE PEOPLE! Lyers

Colon Cure
Sent 2 shipments and charged my credit card even after I cancelled!

Nubodi Colon Cure
Very deceiving! Colon Cure offered a free trail for 3.95 and the next thing I know my account is being charged 89.31!

Colon Cure Or NuBodi
NuBodi and Colon Cure are deceptive and sly. Las Vegas (on Sample Bottle That I Recieved) Nevada or California

Colon Cure
Received e-mail for ColonCure 'trial' offer a month ago via my private e-mail box. Can't talk to company to cancel