Pandit Sharma "Psychic"
Pandit Sharma is a total FAKE! He is NOT a psychic or healer of any sort, just a very sick man who wishes to molest his clients!


Pandit Sharma will ask you to meet him somewhere creepy, like a hotel room and begin the session by giving you a good reading of your past. Don't let this fool you. His intentions are VERY bad! He then proceeds to tell you some BS lies, like "you have blocks in your chest and genital areas." He is plotting a way to get you to let him touch you in your private areas. PLEASE BE CAREFUL! I almost fell for his sick games, but thank God I escaped safely. All the women out there, don't ever trust sick men like this. Beware.

Company: Pandit Sharma "Psychic"
Country: USA
State: California
City: Oakland
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Pandit Sharma - Astrologer & Shaman Healer
Pandit Sharma is a fake healer. He is out to molest you!

Pandit Sharma
Pandit Sharma Psychic Spiritual Healer, Indian Shaman Accurate But Expensive and Upsells Results

Pandit Sharma
In California, Psychic Spiritual Healer, Indian Shaman He is a Molester and Takes Advantage of Individuals Esp. Women! Do not go and see him. He is the abusive, a molestor, and is a fake healer!

Free "psychic" reading
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