Elena's Models
Elena Petrova, Russian Ladys Introduction Service Only the Wealthy Need Apply... But is it love if all they want is your house and your money? Queensland Australia


WARNING for my AMERICAN, UK, German, French, Taiwanese, Chinese and Australian Male and Female Friends!!! This is closely related to Russian-Roulette.

This can be one of the most time-consuming and expensive efforts of your life!

Put this Eastern Europe search for love activity in the category of gambling. This is closely related to Russian-Roulette.

The problem is not directly attributable to any mail-order-bride web-site on the internet, but with the nature of meeting a person who resides in a country where there is literally no functioning legal system. The brokers (web-intro site) have no accountability for any of the actions of the subscribers on either side of the web-introduction bridge. But the web-sites know the chances are stacked in favor of the house.

The problem is that deception and dishonesty are a way of life in Eastern Europe. When the judge and the police and banker can be bribed, there is no security in anything. This is the reason that those countries have the problems that they have, the majority of people there are immoral and unethical. They are forced to be that way to survive. However, it is part of their thinking, it becomes, it is a part of their nature.

If you talk to a psychopath, the psychopath will tell you that you are crazy, not him/her. The sociopathic personality (really, mind-set) can't understand their criminality, it is part of their thinking to commit the act of dishonesty or to steal and they have no remorse or guilt. This is what you are dealing with. The whole community has this juvenile and dishonest mind-set. This is what makes foreign relations so difficult. They don't think the way a reasonable person ought to think.

I'm going to admit this embarrassing fact to you in the hopes that I can educate and enlighten the few fortunate people who read this report; I have been searching on Elena's Models for 2 years. Not one successful relationship.

I see women's profiles who have been looking for 2 years, the same ones and they too haven't met anyone... Or amybe it is their job. I don't know what they're searching for... I have never been drunk, never did any drugs, was a college athlete, no criminal record, nor anything else that you may be wondering about, not short, not bald, not ugly, and I have two college degrees and a successful career.

I have a theory about what is happening with this web-site. I could be wrong, but my experience suggests something is either wrong with me, or there is something wrong with the women who subscribe, or there is something being done by the web-site management that will prevent one from accessing the real subscribers until you subscribe to the platinum level (the real people you can access are out-of-town, or not-available-now) Perhaps you will not get a real person looking for a companion until you pay a lot of money.

However, beware even if you do meet a potential love interest.
Your investment can cost you $3000 in airline tickets, $500 to $1000 in meals and taxi fares, $500 or $800 in hotel costs, and it can get you nothing but bewilderment and heart-break when you've typed all your inner hopes to a naive and unrealistic stranger who laughs at your silly ideas while planning how to get to a country that doesn't have a basis of lying and cheating as a way of life. And all that money is only for the opportunity to meet this possible match.

That is only the beginning of your costs. The K-1 visa fee is now $1080. The USCIS is in business too. The rules are confusing and the obligations for a visa are three years of paying for her expenses, everything, even legal aid to divorce you. They get free legal help because automatically, they qualify as below poverty. They can't get a job. There are lawyers that seek to help the immigrants, even if they got to the USA by deception. The obligations if you sponsor a permanent resident are so extreme and outrageous that it amounts to our government exploiting its own citizens. The people who wrote and established that 10-year commitment of the i-486 are evil and stupid. Anyone who does the i-486 form is crazy; and I really mean that. You would have to be so desperate that you've lost any ability to think about the seriousness of that commitment.

Many of the women in Eastern Europe have heard many, many rumors of the wealthy and kind American/Western men who swept the neighbor away to wonderful, Rich America/Europe. They want that fantasy and they will say and do whatever is required to attain the illusion.

When I went to Kyiv, the translator that I employed had several stories of the women spending thousands of the visiting Americans money. Myself, it cost me $1500 the first week i was there and then she abandoned me because I wasn't going to marry her after the first three days we met. Honestly.

They have no concept nor any appreciation for the risk and the generosity of what you are doing for them by bringing them away from the complete insecurity of their homeland.in fact, I believe that they resent that you have the power to save them and they disrespect the USA and believe that we don't deserve what our parents and grandparents built here.

The USA has exported the worst of our culture and the Eastern Europeans believe it. Too many American situation comedy television programs have been viewed by the youth there who are now 25 to 45 years of age.

The United States Department of Citizenship and Immigration Services in each City in Each State has 3 cases each week of the immigrant who was brought into the USA abandoning their spouse after the permanent resident status (green card) is attained. That means that the sponsoring USA citizen has all the risk and all the liability even after the immigrant spouse leaves him/her. That's roughly 1,500 cases each week in the USA.

The women or men from a third-world country have no idea how much effort is being made by the American and how much emotional energy is expended. If you establish contact with one, when she decides that you aren't wealthy enough or naive enough to continue to keep you on the hook, you won't even receive a Dear John letter to tell you that she has decided to discontinue the e-mail relationship. This of course is after several weeks of writing to her and waiting for her internet service to stop timing-out due to the ISP over-subscribing (Remember the AOL bad-faith class-action suit in c. 1995- 1996? In Easter Europe, organized crime operates the services or some business group of hackers that have no accountability)

The women and the men from these third-world countries are seeking financial affluence. They want a millionaire... Not a commitment, devotion and trust.

They will not gain the same economic prosperity as the USA and UK/Spain/Western Europe for another 25 years because the governments are so corruot and everyone their is either drunk or a methanphetamine addict. As of the Ukraine is ranked number 1 in the world for meth addiction and 20% of adults are alcoholics too intoxicated to work.

And after one makes all the effort and invests the time and emotional energy, the money is almost secondary, the woman doesn't appreciate any of it. The ingratitude will amaze you.

The testimonials on the web-site have to be the 5% of the success stories... The other 95% have nothing to show for the money and especially the time.

The time and energy that you expend to try to even meet a woman from half-way around the world is substantial. The visa process alone is a 4 month process at minimum and can be as long as 6 months or more of waiting.

The cultural divide is huge and trust me when I tell you this... They have everything to gain by coming to the United States. The message that they are seeking true love and marriage is extremely suspect. I am happy to send you photos of the conditions of squalor in the Cities in many parts of East Europe.

The other aspect of this introduction servoce is that you will experience a severe communication gap.

Elena does not educate the women who subscribe to the service. The women have a flood of earnest men seeking to find a woman that will realy care aout them and not only see them for the ir wallet.

The screening process in a place like Ukraine would be almost none existent. I was there and I know who is doing the work.

The Eastern European Cities are full of corruption. The government employees are corrupt and all activity there involves a bribe of some type. They call it a fee. You describe the fees here in America to a Ukrainian, they will laugh and say, "you mean a bribe." Corruption and dishonesty of the women you will contact is the problem. My experience with the people in Ukraine is that they are reactionary and the cultural bias and disrespect for the United States is hidden by smiles and manipulations to find a way to separate any American from his money.

I personally know of an elderly couple from Eastern Europe who bribed a bank teller to generate false documents of their account balance so as to demonstrate assets on their homeland to get a visa into the USA. The culture and society there is built on the notion that if you can lie and the other person believes you, well, then it is the believers error.

From my experience, the women who subscribe to this web-site are of one of three varieties...

1) Women with childish and unrealistic expectations of the new mail-order husband or,

2) The women who have no idea of how much effort will be required to secure their visa and other documentation that will obligate the man to pay for any and all their financial and medical expenses for ten years, even if the couple gets divorced. See USCIS form I-486.

3) They do know and you better have a good prenuptial agreement

As a last thought:

How many of the marriages last more than 3 years? How many last 6 years? What happens after they arrive in the West? Is the husband still the knight-in-shining-armor after she has control of the bank account and can take the house from him through the divorce? Or does she become the distant and self-seeking career-woman who despises the slothful and decadent American who is too stupid to know what really happened?

Honesty is the root of a prosperous nation... Think about it. ENRON, FEMA, CHEVRON, This weeks most recent political or administrative act of deception and self-service. If you hate it in America, you ain't seen nothin' 'til you been over there; MOLDOVA (the character in the video game 'Grand Theft Auto 4' is from Moldova for a reason), Ukraine, Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Poland, Russian Federation, and the Czhec Republic are rampant with deceptive activities. Unenforced law. That is why their economies can't function. That is why the wealthy in those countries are getting wealthier. We now have a threat of this same insidious cancer in our government and politically well-connected industry and finance. Fight it.

Company: Elena's Models
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Suite 407/51, Robina Town Centre
Phone: 61761755692755
  <     >  


How To Find and Marry a Girl Like Me
Not well balanced at all

HOTRUSSIANBRIDES.com An online dating service to introduce Ukrainian and Russian women to western men

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Elenasmodels.com And Elena Petrova are PURE SCAM! Robina Queensland

Elena's Models
Blacklisted Website: Scammer Corruption and Deception, Queensland

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Elena Petrova
Elena Petrova Canberra Queensland

Elena Petrova - www.womenrussia.com
Elena Petrova, www.elenasmodels.com Committing Fraud, Scams, And Defamation ripoff, Gold Coast, internet

Anastasiaweb.com, Anastasiadate.com, AnasasiaInternational.com Phoney Russian & Ukrainian Dating Website

Dream Marriage.com
Beware of Galina ID: 9329 from Odessa, Ukraine

Elenas Models
Your on your own