GGW, MRA Video Rip-off Complete Robbery!


Let's see where to start... This company got me to order 2 Videos for 9.99. Real easy on the Phone, They say NOTHING about any further Videos. Come to find out Videos start showing up at the door. I tried to cancel my "membership" by Phone... No answer, By email... The address is Bogus.

I did stop receiving Videos but I am still getting billed. 2 Years Later. I have cancelled my Credit Card AND Bank Account. I have filed complaints with the Better Business Bureau of California. I urge you to call, Email, write, do what ever it takes to SUE THE HELL OUT OF THIS COMPANY!!! It is the most blatant display of ROBBERY I have ever seen!!! How they can get away with this is beyond me. SHUT THEM DOWN AND MAKE THEM PAY!!!

South Portland, Maine

Company: GGW/MRA Video
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sylmar
Address: P.O. Box 9231
Phone: 3239658710
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GGw/MRA Video
Ripoff ripoff business from hell

MRA Video
Won't stop sending me videos I didn't order Hollywood California

M.R.A. Video
Ggw/m.R. A Video Rip OFF
Nfl - Football NFL Video Ripoff

Ripoff billed me for another video after I followed their instructions to cancel

Ggw Video
Ripoff Internet

Mra video is ripping me off, I'm paying for videos that I can't cancel

Ggw / M.R.A. Video
Ggw m.R.A. VIDEO ripoff keeps sendin stuff billing me after I bought something then charging my credit card without my ok fraudulent business

Damn GGW videos!

Ggw / M.R.A. Video
Ggw, m.R.A. VIDEO ripoff dishonest billing of unrequested videos Sylma