24 Protect Plus V
I used the service intelius to research an email address. I was automatically signed up for protection plus service without my knowledge and charged for it


I used the service Intelius to research an email address. A few weeks later, a charge was made to my debit card for 24 Protection Plus V Service. I called the number on my bank statement. I didn't get an answer, so I researched the company online. I read many complaints about the same thing happening to other people. There was even reference made to a class action lawsuit. I called 24 Protection Plus today and demanded a full refund. They said they would. We will see. I also called Intelius about this matter. They did not seemed surprised about my complaint.

Company: 24 Protect Plus V
Country: USA
Phone: 8002119749
Site: www.24protectplus.com/(ihia1kex5apxlgvhbk1db4ro)/xpa
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They're a rip off

Intelius - IDProtect
Intelius.com, Ripped me off by charging me a monthly fee for ID Protection that I didn't sign up for. Won't remove the charges. Too bad I didn't buy protection from them!

Fraudulent charges

24 Protect Plus - Intelius
Unauthorized charges to my account totalling $164.65

Intelius, 24 Protect Plus
Intelius Unauthorized Credit Card Charges

Signed up for third party scheme

ID Protect Intelius scammed us for 19.95 a month Internet Only

Unauthorized charges for $19.95/month for 4 months. Failed to give full refund

Charged me for there services and secrectly signed me up for a subscription

Privacy Matters - Intelius
Intelius 4 Months of Unwanted Bank Withdraws for Unwanted Service