Angel Stevens
Even PCH (Publishers Clearing House) can't be trusted to prevent us from being scammed! Studio City California


Directly below is a link for a report from the BBB on Angel Stevens. Also note that PCH (Publishers Clearing House) is providing a link directly to Process Rebate in their Superprize Sweepstakes announcements/invitations. I now have no regard for PCH and their authenticity since they obviously did not check out this scam. Thank goodness I had the good sense to check it out myself before giving Angel Stevens my $197.00!

Thanks BBB (Better Business Bureau) and complaint for getting out the REAL story!

Http:// Aspx? CompanyID=100063792

Company Profile
Address: 3940 Laurel Canyon Blvd, Suite 914
Studio City,
CA 91604 Other
Primary Phone: (800) 509-7098 Other
Primary Fax:
Primary Contact: Stephanie Edwards, Co-Owner Other

Website: Other
Company ID: 100063792
Business Start Date:
BBB Created Record on: 2/25

Nature of Business:

This company's business is selling information on a home work offer.
BBB Comments and Analysis
Bureau's Comments and Analysis of Company's Business

This company offers a work at home business opportunity providing rebate processing employment positions for an advanced fee of $197.00. The company's website displays logos of various large corpora...



Licensing Agency:
License Number:

This license permits the company to perform the following services:

We know of no licensing or registration requirement for companies engaged in this company's stated type of business.


Rating Explanation:
The rating the Better Business Bureau assigns a business is determined by our composite score of such factors as its type of business, length of time in business, compliance...

Full Rating Explanation

Customer Reviews and Ratings
If you would like to view customer reviews and ratings or post a review on this company, click on the Reviews link below.


Complaint Experience
Bureau Summary and Analysis of customer complaints and company responses:

Complainants allege false advertising, misrepresentation, inability to obtain refunds, and failure to honor their money back guarantee. Some customers complain that instead of receiving an employment...

Complaint Closing Statistics
The following grid displays the number and responses to complaints over the last 36 months:

No. Of Cmpl Type of Response
15 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
3 Agreeing to perform according to their contract
8 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered
0 Unassigned

Bureau Membership
Join Date:

This company is not a member of the Better Business Bureau. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.


Government Actions
We know of no government action taken against this company.

Advertising Review
We believe this company's advertising is deceptive and misleading. They are not directly offering employment. They sell information, not viable work our experience, the only one c...


Other Considerations
We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.

File a Complaint
If you have a dispute with this company, you may file a complaint. The BBB will try to mediate the dispute through our complaint process

Print Report

Birmingham, Alabama

Company: Angel Stevens
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
  <     >  


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