Va Dcse
DCSE will take your money but only by force!


I separated from my husband and subsequently received assistance for 30 days from my local social service department. With that assistance I was required to file a petition for child support through the DCSE. I have had an awful experience with them in the past, but did what was required in order to receive assistance. Four months into my dealings with DCSE, payments that were withheld from my spouses check were either never distributed or they were applied to his other existing child support case. Leading to the frustration I had with this agency to resurface. On many occasions I would call their 1-800# to inquire of my payments, and be told that nothing was received. Even though I had my spouses paycheck stubs in my hand, and could see that money was withheld for both cases and forwarded to the agency.

Finally, I had had enough and worked out an agreement that my spouse would pay me directly. I personally went down to the local office and gave them a letter requesting closure of my case. I was informed at that time that a balance (less than $1000) was still owed to the state. Once that was paid the case would be closed. They would send another change in payee notice to the employer lowering the payments from the regular withholding, but just enough to pay off the balance. I was advised it would take 30-45 days for this transaction to take place. I asked for a copy of my request to close the case, and a print out of what was owed to the state.

I then informed my spouse of what would take place. At that time I told him not to trust the agency to apply the payments correctly, and to just pay it off in one lump sum! Two months later my suspicions came true. My spouse received a letter from DCSE demanding he pay off the balance, now with interest. If he could not then they would withhold support from his wages, issue liens... Etc. Etc.

Now let's not forget that a support order is already in place! Just as I had predicted all money received to pay off this minimal sum was forwarded to his other case.

Okay, this is where it gets crazy... We both went down to the office with a folder filled with documents. The demand for child support paper sent, the request to close the case, the adjusted wage withholding sent to his employer, his paycheck stubs, copies of the checks from his employer showing payments were sent. We both thought that this would help them see the error they made... We were wrong!

He was informed that the money received for my case would go to the current case that is open, and be applied to any arrears until it is paid the meantime my case (which I requested be closed) would remain as is collecting interest. Then when I questioned the representative about paying it in one lump sum, she informed me that they would still apply the lump sum to the open case! You mean to tell me if I say I want to use MY money to pay off said case you won't do it... You will take MY FUNDS and apply them the way you want to?!

Something is not right, and when I verbally reiterated as such, the representative said it is the new law. Okay, that is when I asked for a copy of that new law/procedure DCSE is following. I was DENIED! She informed me quite matter of fact..."I can't give you that, you have to FIND it on your own or hire an attorney." At this point there was no other reason for us to remain in the office talking to a brick wall and we left numb, confused and dazed.

Although, I did call back once on the road. You know your brain does not work quickly when it is clogged with frustration. I informed them that if they will not accept a lump sum payment to pay off the debt owed, then why send out a notice stating (this below is word for word):

According to our records, as of the above date, your support is past due (amount). We have not received a payment for child support in more than (days). If you cannot pay the entire past due balance or have information that this balance is not correct, contact the district office listed on this letter immediately... Etc etc

Okay, so we both contacted the office immediately and we tried to explain that they distributed funds incorrectly... We also offered to pay the lump sum in full. Answers to both of those ended up being the money would be put on the other case.

You tell me people... Is something not right here?!?! Why are they continuing to try and collect on something that is being paid weekly by their standards? Both support orders are paid every week to the amount specified by them. At this point we are both at a loss as to what to do, besides hire an attorney.

Bealeton, Virginia

Company: Va Dcse
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Richmond
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Missouri DCSE
MO DCSE lied, opened a case that was closed and took money from my check for a child I have custody of and gave it to someone else

DCSE/Department Of Child Support Enforcement
Department Of Child Support Enforcement DCSE / Department Of Child Support Enforcement 50,000 debt, thousands of dollars collected, we did not receive it and they will not respond to my letters as to what they did with it

Va Dcse
DSCE doesn't care about the people who pay their salaries!

Henrico District Office, Division Of Child Support Enforcement
Division Of Child Support Enforcement Henrico County District Office, Covered up mistakes and added false figures to increase support for father. Abused & mistreated


Arizona DES Department Of Economic Security Department Of Child Support Enforcement Yuma County
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Arizona Dept. Of Security Child Support Division
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Va Dcse
Don't know how to operate in a efficient manner

Greensboro, NC Child Support Agency
I've paid child support for my 2 kids... They are 18 and 27 now... Why is this?

Virginia Division of Child Support Enforcement
Refusal to follow their own guidelines and policies