Amazing Product International
The Greatest Vitamin In The World All I have is a statement charging $873.60!


The TV marketing leads one to believe that this is a 'stand alone' business. Whenever you call, you are then coersed into purchasing add-ons in order to make it a 'stand alone' business. "They will drive business to your so called web-site." After you pay, you are then contacted by an individual requesting more money so that he can bring up your web-site and make it a 'stand alone' business.

It is not a business. It is a scam! This Don Lapre "fella" 'should' be on his way to prison.instead, I am sure he is still out there 'scamming' others of their hard earned monies.

All I have received is a statement showing a charge of $873.60 with a fictitious phone number!

Company: Amazing Product International
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
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Amazing Products International - Don Lapre - The Greatest Vitamins In The World ()
Amazing Products International - Don Lapre - The Greatest Vitamins In The World? Took My Money and Disappeared

Don Larpre akaThe Greatest Vitamins In The World
Don Lapre The Greatest Vitamins In The World ripoff

Don Lapre And The Greatest Vitamin In The World, Amazing Products International
Its time for you to go to Court Again and pay for what you have done to millions of hard working people!

Don Lapre And The Greatest Vitamin In The World
"The greatest vitamin in the world" advertised that when you became an independent advitiser you would get paid $1000 for every 20 peolple you got to try the product

The Greatest Vitamin In The World - Don Lapre
The Greatest Vitamin In The World Don Lapre took my money and sold the business, then left me holding the bag

The Greatest Vitamin In The World
One of the greatest scams!

The Greatest Vitamin In The World
Don Lapre - Doug Grant Greatest Vitamins in the World... More like the GREATEST RIPOFF EVER! Phoenix Arizona

The Greatest Vitamin In The World Don Lapre, CEO
The Greatest Vitamin In The World Don Lapre, CEO Greatest Vitamin In The World Let Down

Don Lapre Greatest Vitamin In The World
Don Lapre needs to pay everyone back He needs to be made to pay us all back

Don Lapree The Greatest Vitamin In The World
Don Lapre The Greatest Vitamin In The World The Greatest Vitamin went Bust! Foiled by a thief: Don Lapre