Angela Penbrook -
Made me feel like a fool... NOW, it's time to fight back! Internet


Like many of you who've posted your own personal horror stories about Angela Penbrook's cleverly disguised way of fleecing honest people looking for honest work, I too have now become a victim.

When I first saw Ms Penbrook's photograph on her website, she reminded me of my own granddaughter. Reading further through her eloquently worded sales pitch, I was attracted not only by her seemingly honest approach to convince me that she was the "Real Deal" and not like all of the other phonies on the Net, but also by the fact that here, perhaps, was something that I really might be able to do for myself that could supplement a 74 year old retiree's woefully inadequate fixed income. So, like the rest of you, I invested almost $200.00 of my pension income on 3/1/08, in the hope of becoming more financially independent in my waning years.

I'd like to think that in my 74 years of accumulated wisdom and knowledge, I could better detect when, and if, I'm about to get SCREWED! But, as I said, she looked too much like my own granddaughter (whom I love and TRUST) and I blindly accepted the "pitch" Angela presented me with and I went ahead and took the "plunge" without further investigation. That, as I now know, was a BIG mistake.

So, here's what I've done so far and I hope that ALL of you on here can and will do the same (or something similar) if you haven't already.

First, I emailed Penbrook Productions and told them that I did not have the kind of marketing or sales skills, or desires, necessary to successfully continue on with her program and that had I known previously that such skills and desires would be a necessary PRE-REQUISITE, I would NOT have agreed to purchase her program.

Next, I telephoned the out of state bank that issued me the Visa card I used. I explained to them that I suspect that I have fallen victim to an on-line work-at-home scam and that their "Bait & Switch" tactics left me with no reason to believe that I would ever receive a "promised" refund if I was not satisfied. I was told by the bank to make sure that I record and print out ALL related documents and any and all communications with them showing my attempts to get them to honor their UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE prior to filing a DISPUTE notice with the bank.

Next, I went on-line to this same Bank's web-site and basically wrote out precisely what I've just described above on their e-mail customer service form. Phone calls are OK but it never hurts to have a PRINTED back up in case the person I spoke with "forgets" some of the details.

Next, I went on-line and filed an official complaint with the INTERNET CRIME COMPLAINT CENTER. Their web address is: http://www.ic3. Gov/
I strongly URGE each and every one of you with a similar complaint to log on and BE HEARD. Unless enough of you do so, sweet looking Angela is going to continue to get richer and richer off the backs of honest and hard working people just like us. I am absolutely, 100% confident that Penbrook Productions will never get to spend a single penny of this pissed-off old codger's hard earned money!

Now, also, here's something one of you, or hopefully MANY of you, might want to try. If you want to talk with someone who actually doesn't have an unintelligible accent - OR, just to piss them off... Call the following telephone number: 1-800-893-9314 ext. 4331 and ask to speak with Mr. Matt Schrader. Their "Corporate" office appears to be located in the mid-west time zone and their weekend recorded message indicates their normal business hours are conducted M-F with "certain" hours only, on Saturday.

Mr. Schrader has left no less than 5 message on my answering machine (which I refuse to answer) with, no doubt, additional sales pitches. Since I struggle to keep my high blood pressure under control, at my age, I know that I am no match for a PROFESSIONAL huckster. So, If any of you out there has the "stomach" to actually want to talk with one of these people, by all means give it a shot. Maybe if enough of you do, Mr. Schrader and the Company he works for will get the message that they've pissed off a lot of hard working honest people. Or, maybe not!

Finally, If you haven't already done so, or just missed it, I strongly urge each of you to read Ed Magedson's (Founder of this web-site) report and suggestions on "how to get your money back!" The link is:
or, go back to NANCY from Milwaukee's entry on 3/1 submitted at 9:52 AM Report #313613

In 1976, The Academy Award winning actor Peter Finch gave one of the most memorable speeches of all time in the movie "Network" when, as a fictional TV anchor he looked squarely into the camera and out into a fictional nationwide audience and declared: "Stand up wherever you are, go to the nearest window and yell as loud as you can, 'I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it any more'..."

Today, this isn't fiction and we don't need our windows anymore... WE HAVE THE INTERNET!

Good luck to you all.

Company: Angela Penbrook -
Country: USA
Phone: 80089393144331
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I requested a refund from Penbrook after seeing nothing about rebates, no refund, no Angela. Eveyone just disapearred after receiving money

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Scammed me into a program that claims I would process rebates from home & make money? California Of Angela Penbrook - Penbrook Productions Of Angela Penbrook, Penbrook Productions is a scam internet web site Irvine California

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