Premier Family Services
Caused 6 year old child to be taken illegally


We paid this firm $975.00 so that my 6 year old daughter couldn't be taken back to the reservation to live with strangers. The firm told me that I needed to send my wife's lawyer my address so that I could be served with court papers. I sent my address, they filed an injunction and came and took my daughter to the reservation kicking and screaming with strangers and that was last January, I have had NO CONTACT with my daughter since. The lawyers DID NOTHING FOR ME, but help me to loose my daughter, they did not write ONE PAPER! And I can't get my money back! I have had to hire 2 attorneys and my child is still gone.

Company: Premier Family Services
Country: USA
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Mark C. Bellow
Owes over $10,000.00 in child support for autistic disabled daughter, dishonest, doesnt contact daughter, hides, moves alot, changes jobs

Jason Marcus Price
WANTED: JASON MARCUS PRICE: for abandonment of his daughter's needs for family and support

Raymond Slekes
Dead Beat Dad

State of Washington Child Abuse & Neglect/Protective Services
No Notification or Help

William Collazo Jr
Dead beat dad and spouse has not paid child support to his three year old for more than a year

Child Protective Services CPS Division
Child protective services cps keep threating they will take my daughter away

Premier Family Services
Told me to pay money, theyd help, shit was wrong no luck with them gettin fixed

Chick Arthur O'Dell
Does not pay child support to support his daughter dead beat Dad only cares about himself

Jenell M. Grenier, 5th Judicial Cicuit Court Lake County Fla
Jenell M. Grenier, 5th Judicial Cicuit Court Lake County Florida Aiding my X-wife in a tumultuous lie to alienate child from father's life

Judge Timothy Lawliss
Terminated my parental rights and did not protect my rights