HD Staffing / Directional Concepts


I normally do not write about things like this but I felt that I needed to share my experiences with HD Staffing please note that these are my personal experiences in which I am free to discuss in an open forum.

I worked for this company for about 7 months. During the first couple of months everything was fine and I was being paid to date. Afterwards, I had to check my paychecks very closely becasue hours started to disappear and then I would not receive checks at all in the mail. Attempting to resolve this issue with the local management I would not get any assistance and was told not to worry about it this week just go out there and get the job done and she will take care of everything. And still No checks in the mail.

This company requires you to dress a certain way and does not provide any type of reimbursement for the dress code. This company also requires you to use your personal vehicle without any reimbursement for gas, repairs or insurance. This in fact is a great way for any company to get over on their employees and not have to own fleet vehicles or hold any type of insurance policy.

On top of this the company also required me to own a camera, computer, printer and fax/scanner and all the accessories that go with these items and was all paid for out of my pocket. If you get into a accident with you car while on company time they are not going to help you out. As a HD Project manager you will be required to drive HD's to their designated area. Most of the HD's are underage such as 15 years of age and does anyone see anything wrong with this? I did because I did not want the responsibility of some young person being 15 in my car.

My overall experience as a part time job with this company is extremely poor and I would not recommend working for this company to anyone. Please work for local fast food resturant before you think about HD staffing.

Company: HD Staffing / Directional Concepts
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
Address: 15137 Woodlawn Avenue. Tustin, California, 92780
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HD Staffing - Directional Concepts
Directional Concepts - HD Staffing ripoff Always the runaround with the pay check and an excuse to boot

Directional Concepts, Inc, Aka HD & DCI Staffing
Directional Concepts Aka HD & DCI Staffing Work for them and never got paid with after 2 yrs of labor board hearings and they change there names time after time

Directional Concepts, HD Staffing
Directional Concepts, Inc, HD Staffing, Inc They don't pay their employees!

Directional Concepts, Inc, Aka HD Staffing
Directional Concepts Aka HD Staffing ripoff - child slavery and manipulation

Directional Concepts
H.D. Staffing ripoff

HD Staffing
Or Directional Concepts. HD Staffing Inc promised to pay me and my son but never did

HD Staffing A.K. A Directional Concepts
HD Staffing AKA Directional Concepts Did not pay for 2 months, Run Around everytime I called, Rude staff

Alert Staffing - Beyond Staffing - Acclaim Solutions
Alert Staffing / Beyond Staffing / Acclaim Solutions Dishonest, uncaring, unafraid of the law, unconcerned with your financial delemia that they have placed on you. Ripoff!

BG Staffing
Bg-staffing Insurance fraud

HD Staffing - Directional Concepts
H I worked for this company a month ago and i have still not been paid Ripoff