Welcome To Mark Manuel.com - The Contagious Giver - Mark Manuel Press Releases
Welcome To Mark Manuel.com - Mark Manuel Press Releases - The Contagious Mark Manuel's Long history of Broken Promises - MLM Scams in the name of God


Please beware and look into mark's background

He has ripped off many innocent people...

We had the misfortune to have 2 meetings with Mark Manuel, and Pastor Greg Manuel along with the owner of MRT Jim Clements.

The MRT Company had come to them for help, to grow the company and brought a large team of referral managers. At the meetings the Manuals had made promises of fairness, abundance, organization, customer service money, god, generosity and prosperity. They introduce a few MLM products to the managers and got them to invest but never gave us any support. They wouldn't even answer our phone calls after we signed up for the $500.00 product. They even had the Paul Morris there to speak in their be-half. Mark Manuel and Greg Manuel can never be reached by phone unless they can get some of your money or they are working you for a deal. After the deal, you will never get thru to them because they now have your money.

They pick their victims very carefully. Good honest, hard working passive people young and old. Mark has quite a track record with Rip Off's as well -
Look into there past scams based out of Texas called - H.O.P.E. And Netsalon

At the meeting we attended it should have been our clue when they told us that he (Mark) monitors his calls. OUT of 70 managers they never returned a call and have their office make excuses for them as to why they cannot answer calls.

To say the least it has been a huge financial lost to the MRT Company and to the managers, and investors. The Manuel's are not and were not honorable, trustworthy, accountable, or honest with the MRT Company or its managers/investors. As we understand it the Manuel's are holding up over a half of a million of the MRT investors funds. They will not release the funds. It is also believed that they contaminated the MRT software system and a lot of the funds cannot be accounted for it has disappeared.

They got the managers to sign a contract to raise more money. About 2 months later they sent the managers a termination letter with no cause and kept all the money we had raised. This company (S) and their whole team are falling apart. As to - date many key employees have left the company (S).

I have now run into other business men that have had a real bad experience with the Manuels. They have not done people right. Money is their god. They hide behind Greg Manuel's church. They do not practice the laws of good business, fairness or honesty. They make sure they don not go without. They cheated those that trust them and invest with them. They have no idea what integrity means. It has been a game for them for a long time and they have gotten away with it.

The bookkeeper who was a family member quit doing the Brentwood church books because she did not like what was going on with the books at the church. It is our feeling they are running money through the church there in Brentwood. They raised money for a building, but no new building has shown up and wonder if the money is still in the church USA bank account?

It is our true feeling that Mark and Greg Manuel are downright evil men.
We don't know Pastor Greg Manuel sleeps at night and preaches on Sunday?

I am adding to the other letters that have been written. We now have experienced the same dishonesty. We are investors and managers that are suffering because of the mismanagement and underhanded use of the investor's funds. We were told that they bought 2 jets with the MRT funds. We have not been able to get our money for over 7 months.

Real Christians, professionals and non professionals beware of this Mark and Greg Manuel living in Bentwood, Tennessee. They have left many investors in other states with empty pockets.

We pray that someday the Pastors books at his church will be investigated, examined and audited.

We were told they fly to Panama and Belize a lot too. We wonder why? IRS we hope you hear us and look into these con men. They got and kept our money so they need to pay the taxes on it then. They have many Rolex's, new home with a $60,000 pool not because they are honest business men.
Facts you want Facts, there are to many people with the same complaints

Not a coincidence - That is a Fact.

Lance Perry where are you now? You left the Manuel's again?

What do you have to say about Greg and Mark Manuel now? How about coming forward and telling us the truth this time?

Real Christians Everywhere


A Real Christian
Richardson, Texas

Company: Welcome To Mark Manuel.com - The Contagious Giver - Mark Manuel Press Releases
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Brentwood
Address: 7100 Commerce Way - Suite 185
Phone: 6152636484
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Mark Manuel - TMG - MarkManuel.com - The Contagious Giver - Netsalon - Lance Perry
Mark Manuel - Mark Manuel.com - The Contagious Giver - TMG - Lance Perry Marm and Greg Manuel - Long history of Broken Promises and money scams using God as a cover... Brentwood, TN 37027, TN

Momentum Group, Tmg5, Net Greeters, The Contagious Giver
Momentum, Tmg5, Mpire, Contagious Giver, ALS Jets. Lies, deception, misleading, con-artist, dishonest, unjust, vicious brentwood

Greg Manuel, Mark Manuel, Netgreeters, Mpire, MRT, TMG, ALS
Manuel Clan Sued for Securities Fraud: Mark Manuel, Greg Manuel & Mike Manuel are sued in federal class action litigation

Mark Manuel - Lawsuit
Mark Manuel - Brentwood, Tn - Major Lawsuit Mark Manuel - Beware - Under Investigation - stole Millions using Company as Front

Mark Manuel, Greg Manuel, NetGreeters, MPIRE Holdings, MRT Holdings
Mark Manuel and Greg Manuel Steal Millions Across America

Greg Manuel - Mark Manue - MPIRE - MRT, Jim Clements, Mike Manuel
Greg Manuel - Mark Manuel - NetGreeters - Jim Clements - MPIRE - MRT These Con-Artists Stole Millions in a Securities Ponzi Scheme

Mark Manuel, Greg Manuel, Mike Manuel, James Clements, Bob Deason, Netgreeters, MPIRE, MRT
Mark Manuel, Greg Manuel, Mike Manuel, James Clements, Bob Deason, MPIRE, MRT, NetGreeters Greg Manuel, Mark Manuel are subject of Federal Grand Jury Investigation

Mark Manuel
Mark Manuel, Calcutree, TMG and the Easter Bunny

Mark Manuel - Netsalon
H.O.P.E. - Prepaid Gas Cards Master MLM Manipulator and Swindler who hides under the banner of Christian Pastor Ripoff Dallas Texas and Nashville Tennessee

Greg Manuel, Mark Manuel, Netgreeters, Mpire, MRT, TMG, ALS
Amy manuel Nonpayment of services to me. Mark told me money didn't matter, just do it. Ripped me off on luxury home