DSGAI Mystery Shopper
Don't waste your time with this one


This company solicits information regarding various stores and companies, you go out & do all the leg work spending time and money on travel, various purchases that are required, and completing their on-line surveys. You will never see a dime from any of your efforts as the company complains that you did not complete their survey correctly, or any excuse to get out of paying for your services.

Note that these companies are paid to solicit opinions about the consumer services their client's request, if they obtain all of the information from you & then do not pay because they want to nitpik the surveys, which by the way are extremely time consuming & annoying to say the least to complete, then this is a ripoff & you SHOULD NOT WASTE YOUR TIME!!

Company: DSGAI Mystery Shopper
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Ana
Address: 2110 E 1 St, #106
Phone: 8004628765
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Easy Paid Surveys
EasyPaidSurveys very deceiving, ripoff, waste of time and money, scam artists

Ripoff false promises fraudulent business waste of time tricked and lied to us

Express Paid Surveys

Valued Opinions
Valuedopinions.com A Ripoff and waste of time!

Public Opinion Survey
They send out surveys from global opinion surveys What this company & a few others do is ask your permision to do a surveypromise you points which by the way you never see all you do is waste your time & they use your opinion to futher their custome

A Ripoff survey company

Hotline Claim Services
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Survey Scout
Dashed my hopes waste of time misleading outright fraud and deceit Enter II

Survey Junction
Claimed I would be completing surveys for cash. I received hardly any surveys and none were for cash. I paid a one time fee of $32.95 and I was ripped off

Gallup, gx. Gallup.com Not paying for completing surveys