Southeast Financial, Ken Stepp Inc, Fine Automotive
Ken Stepp And The Mentally Challenged "Psycho's" That Work For Him Never was paid for the time I worked and promised several times that i would. Others stole out of my desk and lied about me to everyone around


I worked on and off with this man for over 9 years.
I used to have respect for him. One morning I woke up after being sick for about a week and had worked very hard for him. I totally devoted myself to him when now I know that I was wrong doing so. I did way over what should be expected of ANYONE. Sometime I worked from 8 A. M thru 5 P. M THE NEXT DAY to many missed phone calls and numerous text messages and these emails.

Today you were texting Axxxxx, you even text me earlier. I called, and text you but you refused to answer either one. I have no idea why your being this way but I really can't take it anymore. I feel like I have to referee between you and everyone else. I moved the 8800 number over to another phone. I would like to get my stuff from the blue house back, the keys to the corner lot, the keys to storage and password to get in. My name, you are a wonderful person but just seem to not want to do this. I am forming a business with axxxxx and gxxx. You make every effort you can to not get along with them or let them know that you do not trust them, and I don't know why. You deny it when I ask but its easy to see. I care for you deeply but I have to make a living fast and do not have time to hear from others about your latest thing you did. If I'm wrong then tell me how I am. I'd rather be wrong. Today you said you'd be in early and its after 12. I know I'm not paying you much but if thats what this is about then you should have told me. I really do not understand your actions. I read some of your texts to others and they were just ugly. I would like to get everything back by tomorrow so I can do this move. I'd love to talk to you about all this but you hardly ever answer your phone and I am very tired of trying to get you to. I will be here today until around 4:30 or 5:00. And here early in the morning. Feel free to come by or call.
Calling Gxxx was the last insult I want to get from you. We were friends and you promised that we always would be. I guess nothing but your feelings and agenda matters. I called you right after you called Gxxx and you elected to not answer again. Thats so childish and the reason we are where we are. I still need all the stuff back very soon as I now need it. I really do not know whats on your mind or why you have done all of this but if you didn't want to be a part of all this there was a grown up way to handle it. Calling Gxxx wasn't it. I need you to call me today or early in the morning so I can get this stuff from you. This has been your choice, not sure why you chose this path. Call me.
(My name)
You are mistaken and seem to be almost insane. Your actions are scary. You have let me know what you think of me. That can never be changed or forgiven. I just want my things back like you promised. I do not know what happened today but I'm glad it did before we opened. I'm sorry you feel like everyone has screwed you over. I have spent months defending you. I no longer can or want to. I just want this to be over. The things you have told me you believe about me hurt. I will not argue with you. Just get your stuff and give me mine and forget you ever knew me. The reason you don't have any real close friends is when times like this happen you just go nuts on them. I would like to have all this behind us by Monday. I really don't want to text, email, or even talk again. I was your friend but you were just too wrapped up in all this crap to see it. I'm sorry it ended this way but I think you will agree that it has ended. I do not care if you agree with what I'm saying. You have insulted me, cussed me, demeaned me, and hurt me. I just want my keys and stuff. Then we can go on with our lives. Knowing how you feel I hope you don't try to drag this out. Lets be finished by Monday. Please don't answer this email as I do not want anymore of your abuse. Today you were a person I never want to know or speak to again. It explains a lot. Reality is you have thrown away someone who cared. I won't argue that point with you. You went way too far with it and then blamed me for it. I just want this to be over now. You say I'm selfish, wow. This whole thing has been about you. But its everyone else fault.
You haven't worked for free. You have worked for the money you said you needed. I didn't make this stuff up I just got tired of listening to it. I haven't lied to you or made anything up. Its nice to know how you really feel. I think its best that you get your stuff and I get my stuff and we may can patch up what friendship we had down the road. I won't be called a liar and someone that asks people to work for free. I now know what your opinion of me is and I do not think that we can repair this for a long time if ever. I'm sorry you feel that way. Its a surprise and a disappointment. Lets finish this and go on.
One more thing. I've been defending you since you came to work with me against everyone that thought you would be bad for business and that you were half nuts (and that was everyone).in one day you turned against me. You are your own worst enemy. You wouldn't recognize someone that cared if they were standing in front of you. Your 37 years old and I wonder how many people you have done this to. Our 9 year relationship was always based on mutual respect and a genuine friendship. It took 5 minutes for you to throw that away. And trust me you have. I do care what you think of me because I care about you. But this has been revealing to me. You base friendship on whatever you want or think. You could not be more wrong about whats in my heart and head. But hey as long as you can take on the poor me role it works for you. You would rather believe a lie than work thru it. Time well spent. Thanks.
I did not make this up, I did not want any of this to happen, and you are believing all the wrong things. But its revealing to me that you do. No one involved here has the balls to tell you the truth. I did because it needs to come out so we can all find a way to get along. Thats called leadership. You were quick to point out my faults, and shortcomings. You also are quick to point out how you are the one that "always" has this happens too. I'm on this end of it and told you the truth. For that you tell me that I like everyone else screwed you over. Xxxxx I know I didn't. So that tells me that the others may not have either. I have not used you, I do not use people, and I really did care. Sorry you can't see that. Everything I told you was the truth. If someone else doesn't have the balls to admit it then I guess you can just be right. At any rate we can discuss what you feel I owe you. I will pay it when I have it. You have just ran off someone who thought more of you than anyone that wasn't family. I can't convince you and won't try. This was just another bad decision for both of us. I hate that I lost a friend like you. They aren't easy to find and don't come along often. I'm sorry you feel the way you do and I hate what happened. But I did tell you the truth.
Now that you have admitted that you took the furniture from the blue house I am asking you to return it. The trustee says I have to have a police report if not. This is not a threat its a request. You have said things lately that are scary and threatening. I am tired of this game and will no longer play it. You have taken a very small thing and made it huge so you can convince yourself that you are a victim. I have no idea what your motives are and really no longer care. You have things that belong to me and I want them back immediately. As far as your pay goes You and I agreed that I would pay you what you needed when you asked because I am not making money right now. I have done above and beyond that. The Cadillac you are driving belongs to a customer and this is my second request for you to bring it back. I am told that you want to wreck it so I am putting you on notice not to do that. You say you want to be done with this but you drag it out. The keys and codes to everything has been changed (including the PO boxes). If you want your things you can bring me mine when you come. I will have to have a person with me because the way you are acting I think its possible that you would make something up about me. You have my number, let me know. The 20th is our last day at Fine so it has to be before then. Please do not threaten me again. I do not respond well to that tactic. We were friends and do not need to be enemies. If you want to hate then do it by yourself.
Again you have my formal requests. Please act accordingly. Any further harassment will be met with a legal defense. This was your choice not mine.

Why would you be sending emails to my home? Last week you told xxxxx that you were afraid I would hurt you (something you know I would never do). This tells me that you were trying to set me up. You really are a sick person. You also told her that I haven't paid you when I have paid you more than you asked for. You are something else. How could I have been so wrong about someone. I owe you nothing and will pay you nothing. If I do not get my stuff back I will call the police and peruse this aggressively. You have crossed lines that honest/moral people do not cross. I'm sure I haven't heard the last from you because you sue and ruin people for a living. So as I get ready for all your lies I will also prepare some defense. This will be my last communication with you outside of court. Unless you are bringing the stuff you stoled back do not contact me again.

Now these came a few days later

It gets even better

I have been told by everyone that I should not contact you again but I have to. Whatever happened is small compared to the years we have been friends. You are someone I care about and put all of my trust in. The last few days have been pure hell for me. I do not fear what you might do to me (I think you know that). I feel like I have been a good friend and good for you. You have been for me. I can't believe where we are right now but it hurts more than you can imagine. This email is not a ploy and is what I feel. I switched the phone because I thought you were dodging me. I have said nothing about you other than I really don't understand the anger. When I was told you were afraid I would hurt you it really did something to me, I would take a bullet for you today. We have known each other so many years and I have been your biggest fan. I am so sorry if I have hurt you, it was never my intent. I thought we would build the antique business together and have a lot of fun doing it. Xxxxx the only agenda for writing this email is to tell you how I feel. I miss you and am having a very hard time with all this because I do not understand what one day we went from unreal close to where we are now. I can't work, think, or move on. You were always the best part of my day and I hated it when you didn't come in. Is there any way we can earn each others trust again? I know you called Ch, Am, and Br. I don't care. Not being able to talk to you everyday and be someone that you consider a friend is not something I want to continue. I hate this and I hate you not being a part of what happens next in my life. Please take this for what it says. I mean it 100%. Think about it please.
before you lash out at me again please think about it. I mean every word I said from my heart. Its very hard to take it right now. If I've been all about me I am so sorry. Your right I'm sure. I'm just focused on trying to get going again and I guess just quit seeing others. Please consider being friends again. I have never trusted someone like I trusted you. It is tearing me up to think I was wrong or you feel you can't trust me. Again this email has only one agenda and thats to restore our relationship. It won't happen overnight I know but I hope that it does happen.
xxxx in case I didn't make it clear. I do not care what you have done to me because I know you were hurt and I hurt you. I honestly do not know how other than acting like I didn't trust you. I just want restoration between us. Please give me a chance to do that. I have been a real friend and someone who cared very much for so many years. I hope that means more than one bad day to you. This is killing me. I can't put it any other way. Please forgive me for whatever you think I have done. I will try very hard to be the man you thought I was. I promise.
Your forgiveness meant everything to me. Thank you so much. I will spend as much time and energy restoring your faith in me as it takes. All you have to do is tell me what it takes and its done. You have been an amazing friend and person in my life. You are to me one of the few people in the world that I would put my life in the hands of. Thank again for being there. I do not deserve you. I feel like screaming this feels soooo good. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Sorry for being so dramatic but you have no idea what this has been like for me.

(My name)
once you read these emails and decide to either accept my beg to restore our relationship. Please text me on my 2200 phone. Yes if you would like to or no if you do not. It takes forever to check this email address. I just want to hear from you. I feel like an idiot doing this but the last few days have been hell. If you want the 8800 phone back you can have it. I'm sorry I ever did whatever you believe I did. Don't drag me out on this. I'm drinking to sleep and drinking to cope. I know that sounds like its about me but its really about what happened to us. I don't feel like I did anything other than question you about some stuff. I really am sorry if I hurt you. Gosh I keep sending emails without enough thought. Please either call me, email me, or text me. This is killing me. I need to hear from you asap.
Just tell me what I have to do to earn your trust again. I missed you and I think you know that this was very painful. I had no idea it was 2 weeks. I thought we had a bad day. If you want me to leave you alone for a while I will but won't be happy about it. Let me know what you want from me. I would love to see you in the morning. I'll understand if you don't come but will be disappointed big time.
Sorry about today.
Just a bad day. Old friends abandoning me, more legal battles, crap. Thats about it. Xxxxx I need to get some stuff back quickly. The Cadi is one. The stuff we stored too. I'm a week away from being out of money. I do not want to lose my house. Its that close.
also it looks like i may be keeping the blue house

Now its back!!!

One of my emails last to him

His xxxxx, your being ugly and I know how to refinish wood. I will not be doing that with you.
I am done.
I don't want anymore abuse from you
You never paid me and I cant afford it.
I had to pay my phone bill cause you shut mine off
You said you would pay for the 8800 phone and pay my bill for the other since it was your TEXT MESSAGES
We decided to just keep the 8800 phone but YOU JUST SHUT IT OFF ONE DAY WHEN IT SUITED YOU.

You are the one being ugly. Your texts are hateful, hurtful, and lies. Stop contacting me. I have turned it over to Lawrenceville. You can tell it to them. I cant reason with you or talk to you. You have taken things without permission and wont give them back. You took my 660.00 and kept it. You lie with every breath and I will not stand for it. You try to blame everyone else but you. Its ok to steal if you can you can justify it, its ok to threaten me so maybe you can keep all the stolen stuff. I will not respond to your threats anymore. Xxxx, I've tried to be a good friend and your too shady and dishonest to except it. All your trying to do is shake me down. I will not let you do that. Stop contacting me. I'll see you in court. You are by far the most selfish person I have ever met.

And those were the days of our lives.

Need I say more?
Hopefully not.

Company: Southeast Financial, Ken Stepp Inc, Fine Automotive
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Lawrenceville
Address: 584 Buford Drive
Phone: 7702775577
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