Scott Gordon Kelly
Dead beat dad


I met Scott in January of 1997 through a mutual friend while we were both separating from the Marine Corps in California. When I first met him he would tell me about his son Saxon and all the things they used to do together. He told me his ex-wife left them but later came back and took Saxon away from him and he wasn't allowed to see him or have any contact with him.

He would not explain how or why and I tried to get him to do something about this because he seemed very sad and unhappy about having lost his son. This only caused an argument which resulted in us going toe-to-toe and him raising his fist at me. He never got physical with me only because I made it very clear that if he ever hit me, he had better make it good because when I got off the ground he was a dead man.

When I found out I was pregnant Scott was moving out and we were not speaking. He was not happy about it and would make a point of coming by or calling just to harrass me. I left California and moved back to Washington only contacting Scott to wish him a happy birthday and to let him know he had a son and that I wanted to contact his mother.

On Mother's Day he called me and gave me his aunts address so I could contact his mother, this is the only thing he has ever done for his son. I took Tristan to visit Scott's mom (Coleen) in June of 1999 and asked about Saxon. She told me that she had never even seen a picture of Saxon. The only picture Coleen had ever seen was of a little girl Scott said was his daughter, which he had never mentioned to me or anyone else that I know of.

He came to see Tristan just after new years January. He showed up 45 minutes late smelling of beer stayed for 45 minutes talking of how he was going to make up for lost time. This of course was a lie because he never came April my friend found Scott's e-mail address he gave me on his one and only visit and sent him a nasty e-mail about not having sent Tristan a birthday card and his then fiancee Heather intercepted the e-mail.

Once we got past all Scott's lies we began to talk and became friends. A month after they split up Tristan and I went to meet Heather and Mitchell for the first time. We have made it a point to keep the boys in contact with each other and have their pictures taken together to send to Scott's family.

Company: Scott Gordon Kelly
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
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