Raphale Paredes Sr
Raphale Paredes Sr IS A CHILD MOLESTER all the parents trusted him abused & mistreated


This man is a child molester! HE succeeded in molesting all the children in my family. HE is the one all the parents trusted because he was so "GOOD" with us. Little did they know how "GOOD" he thought we were.

HE should be in JAIL. But to protect my family nothing was said. No body ever said a word. This PIG raped and assulted all of us. Over 16 of us. And no body did anything...

NOT me. THE MOLESTER got my letter! The MOLESTER knows I am watching him. And if he touchs my daughter or any other child. He's going DOWN! Screw the family. My kid comes first!

Raped by my UNCLE
Stamford, Connecticut

Company: Raphale Paredes Sr
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Stamford
Address: Stamford CT
  <     >  


Ahavel Schertz Model and Convicted Child Molester
Convicted Child Molester Ahavel Abimbola Schertz, Rhoda Schertz, Convicted Child Molester Beware of Convicted Child Molester and Scammer Ahavel Schertz. The woman pretends to be a super model. She is a convicted child molester

Byron Monty Enloe
Byron monty enloe child molester aldine isd school teacher accused of molesting students confirmed molested 2 of his 3 sisters as a teenager, possible molested his daughter texas

Thomas Alonzo Hill Aka Tee Hill Aka Lil Tee Hill Aka Child Molester
Airforce has a child molester among the ranks corona san diego california

Dorothy Bates

Thomas Lynne Wright - Tom Wright

Musical Director for KidsAct is an admitted child molester, works with kids everyday

Herbie Cepeda
Child molester - ellenville ny

James Duval of Continuum Pictures
Is a convicted child molester James Lee Hobbs as he is also known committed lewd acts with a child under age 14 Crooked child molester who will make you blue sky promises with no intention of ever following through on any of them

Herbie Cepeda
Child molester child molester - ellenville ny

Herbie Cepeda