Womens Ultra Slim, Complete WeightLoss Center, Inc, World Wide Enterprises, Inc
Stole bank account number & removed funds from bank


What a surprise. The end of the month & almost zero money in my account. I live on disability & am broke 3 weeks out of the month. I looked at my statement & saw that someone had taken almost $30 out of my account which in turn caused a cascade of bounced checks. I had not given my bank account number to this company. I don't know how they got my number or how they could just go into my account & take this money out. I wouldn't have signed up for any weightloss pills as I can not take them due to health issues & I could not have afforded to do so if I could take them. How can someone just go into your bank account & take the money out like that? I called the number but was told that it was not a valid number. I called my bank but they said that I had to wait for 3 days to file a dispute, meanwhile I have more checks bouncing. Now I have to change bank accounts & that entails changing it with all my automatic withdrawals. Why can't people just stop doing these things & work for their money. I did all my life & never had to steal from anyone. I sure didn't need this bad news, especially at the end of the month like this. This means, no food, no meds, no heat until this is straightened out. This truely sucks.

Company: Womens Ultra Slim, Complete WeightLoss Center, Inc, World Wide Enterprises, Inc
Country: USA
State: North Dakota
City: Mandan
Address: P.O. Box 1177
Phone: 7016638327
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Womens Ultra Slim, Complete WeightLoss Center, Inc, World Wide Enterprises, Inc
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