Raven Media—Growing Rich With Google
Raven Media/Growing Rich With Google They go after you again if you cancel the membership the first time. Belize City


Please refer to the previous complaint filed by Oxford48 on

This same provider.

In in the process of reviewing my credit card statements, I became
aware of the fact that I had previous contact from these people and
they had charged me $29.95 on Sept. 13, after selling me the
free trial program on Aug. 29.

BEWARE: If they did not succeed the first try, they will
try again; especially if you are an older person and do
not remember recent events!!!

Company: Raven Media—Growing Rich With Google
Country: Belize
Phone: 8663965695
Site: secure.ravenmediainc.com/sites/google1
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Raven Media—Growing Rich With Google
Growing Rich With Google uses the Google Name to trap people, it has not affilitation what so ever with Google. Also uses CNBC and Business Week Online, which they are also not affiliated with what so ever. Belize City

Raven Media
Charged my credit card without my approval or signature

Raven Media
Fraud and cheating!

Raven Media
Home Business Scam

Growing Rich W / Google 866-3965695 Nv (Raven Media)
GROWING RICH W / GOOGLE 866-3965695 NV Misrepresented trial period and charged my credit card before the end of trial period. No answer on the phone line to cancel Online help dismissed and "can't access account records"

Raven Media Team
GOOGLE MONEY PROFIT/RAVEN MEDIA/GROWING RICH WITH GOOGLE RIPPED OFF my Debit Card by DECEPTIVELY using the GOOGLE LOGO to entice me to give them debt account information

Google/Raven Media
Google / Raven Media Ordered Google money profit Software CD total cost $2.29. Raven media billed my Amex $39.95 for three programs not ordered

Raven Media, Google Pay Day
Raven Media, Google Pay Day mGoogle Pay Day I

Raven Media
Raven Media claims to be offering $25 AMEX gift cards, claims I bought something from a click-through ad

Growing Rich With Google
Ripoff by trusted name nevada