Cal-Pacific Products
They call all day every day! They picked the wrong one this time


I have been getting calls from these so called sales men for months the one that stands out the most is the one that calls him self 'Mike' he always opens up with a 'You're a hard man to get a hold of.' He then tries to sell me anything from cleaning supplies to saw blades. I have seen better deals on higher quality products at the flea market.

The whole company is crooked; in the morning I get calls from the shipping department want to confirm orders that I have never made and when no one answers the phone they hang up just long enough to redial the number, this will go on for an hour non stop until finally they will leave a voice mail asking me to call the shipping department. NO THANKS Marybeth! Then around 6:30 pm Eastern Time the sales guy starts calling again and does the same thing nonstop for over an hour. After it finally got to me I answered the phone 'Hello' it was Mike who quickly say's 'Chris' I said 'No' and hung up the phone so they continued to call over and over again. Once more I answered the phone 'Hello!'. A squeaky voice comes over the phone and says some thing about confirming an order. I asked him his name he said 'Adam' and gave me a bogus last name. I asked what he wanted and took his number I told him, now I have taken your message stop calling until it is returned! 8:45PM Now they are calling and not saying any thing, it never ends.
This is all unfolding as I write this report its 8:46 pm. Nov. 7.
I'm currently searching to find out who the owner of this company is and will be contacting my lawyer in the morning so he can document my cell phone records.
I'm also contacting the local law enforcement agency for Chatsworth to file charges for telephone harassment as well as working on a law suit against the company.

I believe these people have obtained my number through Virzon Super Pages, Idearc Media, Yellow Book USA or possibly Alltel. With all the reports filed against this place we all must have one thing in common and that would be how the hell they got our numbers to begin with. If some one is selling my number I think I am owed some rights to the profits. Is there any one else in Verizon yellow book that gets these same calls?
I think this all started when Idearc Media took over the billing department for Verizon Yellow Pages / Super Pages.

Company: Cal-Pacific Products
Country: USA
State: California
City: Chatsworth
Address: 20725 Prairie Street
Phone: 8188824280
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Idearc Media Verizon Yellow Pages SuperPages ZERO Return
False Claims, Fraudulent Business Practices, and False Advertising

Idearc Media SuperPages Verizon Yellow Pages Zero return Zero results
Idearc Media Verizon Yellow Pages Super Pages

Verizon Super Pages Idearc Media
Super Pages, idearc Media Different name, Same game where we lose and they win!

Idearc Media - Verizon Yellowpages
Idearc Media - Verizon Yellow Pages Idearc Automatic Renewal Ripoff Dallas / Fort Worth Airport

Idearc Media - Verizon Yellow Pages
Call themselves Verizon Yello Pages idearc media advertising service naples, Florida

Idearc Media Super Pages
Just wants your money, and does NOT care about customer complaints or problems

Global Yellow Pages
Not Really Them, attempted ripoff to get me to agree to pay for services by phone

Idearc Media

The Official Yellow Pages - THompson Hill Publishing
Missrepresented who they were. Would not tell me the antual name of their business

Idearc Media
Scam and cheating!