Nelson Watson And Associates
Convicted Felons, Drug Dealers, and Petty Conmen


I've worked at this company. It is infested with drug use. A haven for drug dealers and lower levels of society. They prey on consumers using illegal tactics. They have multiple employees with an extensive criminal background. The owners of the company even lend out company money to known drug dealers so they can continue selling to the employees. These are the people that have millions of consumer's personal information.

The General manager Dan Hill is a degenerate drunk. The vice president of collections Patrick Fecteau is a convicted sex offender. (exposed himself to a school bus full of children) I wouldn't feel safe if my account was there. There are enough illegal drugs there to stock a nationwide pharmacy franchise! I had to leave, I couldn't take being in that enviornment.

One man by the name of Paul Clarke, encourages his employees to play a game called "third party disclosure" where they see who can best break the law without being caught. Constant harrasment is what they teach over there. This place needs to be shut down. Contact Gregory Cerullo (drug addict) or George Nelson III (steriod abuser) about the tactics they employ. I hope no one give personal info out to these people if they call. Trust me I worked there.

Company: Nelson Watson And Associates
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Haverhill
Address: 80 Merrimack St
Phone: 8003881190
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