Options Talent - Trans Continental Talent
Years later still fuming New York


It seems i am a bit "late to the dance" on this, but am still just as mad after reading all of these postings.

5 years ago, i was in between jobs and answered the ad for Options Talent; having spent years in the business as a child/young teen - i was enthusiastic to bring what i knew to the table as a new "scout". I had never worked with a scout, and being out of the business for a few years at that point, i didn't know that this entire thing was a scam for both the employee and the innocent people we were harassing and in turn, deceiving.
To keep it short and sweet - i am echoing the sentiments of most other former Options "scouts" on this site. With one exception— they felt i had the "scouting eye" or some BS like that; so they "promoted" me (i hadn't received a paycheck yet), to work for their affiliate - Talent Networks. Basically in 3 months without a paycheck, i actually brought some people in - one of which was interviewed on CT & NY news, and gave the kudos of her recent success to my "boss", and i never saw one penny for those people.

My commision & work hour concerns went unanswered by the management, i never returned one day, and have not heard from them since.

Looking back now, knowing what i know about that company - if i had known then, i would have done all that i could for reimbursement costs for my commute, food, subway fares, unpaid commissions and a few new pairs of shoes ruined from trekking the streets of NYC in search of new "talent". ALL of which were promised in one conversation or another over those 3 months, (well, except for the new shoes of course!)

Does anyone know if they are still in operation, now in 2007??? I see that Talent Networks is, based on their websites and current message board postings.
If TCT is still around, they need to be stopped— i know everyone is saying the same thing, but they do; especially here in the NY Metro area.

Company: Options Talent - Trans Continental Talent
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 127 West 25th Street 5th Floor
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