United Fulfillment Bureau
Play with my car, play with my house, Don't Play With My Money or My children


I had high hopes of my first child attending college we applied for grants and scholerships to help make this a reality for us. I'm single raising 4 children on my own. I have limited funds available. When I recieved this phone call one day at work that my son was accepted for this grant I jump to high heaven i was so happy, at not ime during this phone call did this woman say she was an affiliate of any company helping to get a grant. She said he had this grant and that all I needed to do was give her an acount to which they can deposit this grant money into. She did say there would be a charge of $299.95 to cover what ever costs I thought a small price to pay for my son to go on and achieve his dreams of going to college. Wwll the joke was on us because here we are 6 months later no money and no college education for my son. He has faced so much diversity in his life from health problems and a sociaty that places so many obsticales for under privilege children to over come. Well my son did he graduated from high school second in his class with hopes of going off to college. With companies like United Fulfillment bullsh. Taking people at there weakest and profiting of their dreams is unthinkable and a Disgrace of the lowest kind. All I would like is a REFUND of MY MONEY my hard earned cash something that I worked for NOT RIPPED OFF of people. If they had any dignity they would refund this money back if they did not FULFILL their obligation...

Company: United Fulfillment Bureau
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
Address: 1355 Santa Fe. Dr. UNIT J #303 Denver, CO 80204 Toll Free # (866) 424-9115
Phone: 8664249115
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College Funding Center
Rip-off of college money meant for my children!

United Fulfillment Bureau
They promised a grant for no less than $5,000.00 by paying $299.95 for services. Nine months later, nothing has come

United Fulfillment Bureau
Basically this company ripped off a just out of the hospital on a budget, woman who had just had a baby off

University Of Phoenix
Axia on line Would not apply my awarded Pell Grant for $2775.00 towards the class that I failed for $1225.00 and now I cant return to class until this is paid. I was attending the University on student loans and

College Funding Center
Ripoff left with no college funds

United Fullfillment Bureau
This company is immoral, heartless, deceitful, they strung me along knowing my needs. Ripoff

Everest University Online Corinthian College
Everest made me believe I was going to school on grants that would not have to be repaid but it was all on student loans and now I cant get my transcripts

Grant Writer Pro - Networkagenda.com - GSA/SBA Express - Raven Media
Ripoff dishonest unauthorized monthly billing

Grant Writer Pro, Networkagenda.com, Gsa/Sba Express
Raven media RIPOFF, dishonest unauthorized withdrawals monthly billing

United Fulfillment Bureau
Rip off Internet, Denver Colorado